Can I get a 3-day extension on my Non-Immigrant O Visa after a 2-month family extension?

February 28, 2023
2 years ago
Adi *********
Is there a possibility to get a 3 days extension after already getting a 3 months Non immigrant O Visum with a 2 months family extension?

Thanks for your answers.
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TLDR : Answer Summary
The possibility of obtaining a 3-day extension after having a 3-month Non-Immigrant O Visa with a 2-month family extension is not feasible. Instead, if one applies for an extension and it gets denied, they would receive a 7-day "application for extension not approved" stamp, which requires leaving the country within that timeframe. This option comes with a fee of 1900 baht.
Adi *********
Thanks for your immediate answers. Sounds like a good solution for me. I need 3 more days in Thailand just for not having to change my booked and confirmed flight back to Switzerland. Although having a ticket that allows changes in flight dates Swiss offered another flight for additional € 500.-, which I am not willing to pay.
Tod *********
@Adrian ********
take your proof that you're flying out and you should have no issue getting the 7 day get outta dodge extension denied stamp (y)
Adi *********
@Tod ********
I will check with my Immigration Office at Chaiyaphum. They are very helpful and easy. Thanks again for the good and quick support.
Tod *********
It is not, you MIGHT get the 7 day "application for extension not approved" stamp that gives you a week to get outta dodge for 1900baht

BUT with that being said

once you get that stamp you can't get any extension from it and you have to leave in a week. So if all you're doing is buying time until your funds are seasoned so you can apply for a year extension that would not be the way to go.
Lloyd ********
that still costs 1900 baht
Lloyd ********
you could apply for an extension, that would be denied and you would be given 7 days to leave the country
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