Hello @ All
Im German and have a visa stamp valid for 45 days under the bilateral agreement of the two states.
I know I can have it extended for another 45 days at an imigration office.
My question is:
Can I get this extended a 3rd time or even more times?
Does it make a difference if I exit and re enter the country?
I read something about a limitation of 90 days stay within a 180 day period, no matter if extended with visa run or inside thailand.
Thanks for clarifying.
TLDR : Answer Summary
The user, a German citizen, inquired about the possibility of extending their visa stamp, currently valid for 45 days, for a third time or more, and whether exiting and re-entering Thailand affects this. They mentioned being aware of a 90-day limitation within a 180-day period. One comment clarified that as a visa-exempt entry, the user can only apply for a 30-day tourism extension once per entry. It was emphasized that while there are no strict written regulations limiting total stay days, the possibility of being questioned during re-entry exists.