Can I enter Thailand again on visa-exempt status after multiple entries and extensions?

July 5, 2023
a year ago
Debbie ******
Just wanting to confirm if I can fly in one more time on my visa-exempt status -- having flown into the country just twice from home country.

First time Jan 8 when I got 45 days in, then 30 days extension. Second time May 4 when I got 30 days and another 30 day extension.

Just wondering if I can come in again next week, get 30 days and get one more extension before I leave in early Sept and apply for my longterm visa.

Thanks for any advice .
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TLDR : Answer Summary
The user inquires about the possibility of entering Thailand on a visa-exempt status for a third time, following two previous entries and extensions totaling over four months. Responses from the community suggest that while entering by air should not present issues, concerns arise regarding the total length of stay exceeding six months in a year, which could trigger questions from immigration officials.
Kevin *************
Why not just a visa make it all easier on yourself
Debbie ******
@Kevin ************
unfortunately not enough time on this trip to get it will go back and do it on next trip in 30x2 days
Debbie ******
I have been on a proper long term visa for several years before, with no problem. Work permit and visa. . But it ended on Dec 21, 2022 -- so I went out then, and flew back in as a tourist on Jan 8 -- 45 days +30 extension. Then I left on March 22 and returned on May 4th. That's the scoop
@Alistair *********
and others . Thanks for the input and reassurance.
Dimitri ********
I don't understand all the people who say that it is not a problem. It is not about the number of times you arrive. It is about the total length of time you are staying. And you will stay longer than half a year on VE this way. It is much. I would at least get a tourist visa. From what I always understood you can expect problems when trying to stay more than half a year. And that is also my own experience.
Alistair **********
@Dimitri *******
she will be entering having spent just over 4 months total here tho, not 6. She had some sizable gaps as well between visits, it's not just back to back.
Dimitri ********
@Alistair *********
And when letting her in, knowing that she will extend for 1 more month she will be in the country for 6
Alistair **********
@Dimitri *******
there isn't a 6 month law tho, it's a guide that some (or many?) IO use. They also don't know she will extend. Of the many who state they encounter issues online, it's after 6 months staying here, not the entry before. I encountered it on my next entry which was after 7.5 months here
Dimitri ********
@Alistair *********
of course they know she will extend if she did that every time before. I crossed the same unofficial 6 month limit and was taken to the back to a very serious looking immigration officier.
Alistair **********
@Dimitri *******
on the visit before or after 6 months?
Dimitri ********
@Alistair *********
I stayed in the country that year for 5 months and tried to get in again on a VE.
Alistair **********
@Dimitri *******
did you have a history of staying in Thailand prior to those 5 months? Were they back to back?

History matters as well. She's only been in twice, it doesn't state the day she left, so seeing they weren't border runs, it's probable/possible it's not the day her visa expired. Returning home for 1+ month each time is seen as a positive. I'd be willing to bet the absolute worst that would happen to her would be the officer telling her to get a long term visa next time.
Todd *********
@Dimitri *******
what problems did you experience at half a year? I know dozens who have been doing this for years… not months
Dimitri ********
@Todd ********
I was taken to the back to a table with an immigration officer who started to ask me questions. At that time my Thai girlfriend was pregnant and she was going to give birth the next week. I had my phone full with photos of her being pregnant and he let me in. But told me to not try to get in with a VE again.
Todd *********
@Dimitri *******
not untypical I think. Someone asks you questions, does nothing and lets you in. Happens all the time. In your case though, he can obviously see your situation ñ and is likely looking for you to have a marriage visa.
Luc ************
@Todd ********
yep, i am one of them. Never had any problem.
Dimitri ********
@Luc ***********
You are staying for 7 months a year on VE's ?
Luc ************
@Dimitri *******
no, i come about 6 times a year on visa exempt.
Todd *********
@Dimitri *******
i know people here for years on VE or 60 day tourist visas. There are likely many on this forum
Paul *******
Depending how many times you come to Thailand, at some stage Immigration will pull you up because they believe that you are no longer a tourist and will want you to have a visa appropriate to your reason for staying long term in Thailand.
Martyn ***********
As said.. No issues flying, it's the border bounces that cause issues.
John *******
You will be ok not a problem 👌
Kool *******
Yes, that's not a problem at all. The only restriction on the number of times entering is actually crossing at a land border, and that number is 2 in a year. You'll be fine.
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