Can I enter Thailand multiple times with a visa on arrival?

January 11, 2023
2 years ago
Tlaloc *************
Hola 🙂 I'm from Mexico. One question about multiple entries to Thailand with a visa on arrival. If I get a visa on arrival landing in Thailand on the 23 of Jan and then travel to Cambodia on the 25th and to Bali on the 7 of Feb and then fly back to Thailand on the 19 of Feb... is that ok? Do I have multiple entries to Thailand on a visa on arrival? Thank you!
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TLDR : Answer Summary
The user inquires about the feasibility of entering Thailand multiple times under a visa on arrival (VOA) during a trip to Southeast Asia, specifically if re-entering Thailand after visiting Cambodia and Bali would be acceptable. A comment suggests that multiple entries with a VOA are generally permitted, but the final decision rests with the immigration officer, who may assess the situation individually.
Stuart *********
You can certainly get VOA “multiple” times. I use quotes because how many times is debatable. From the dates you suggest there shouldn’t be an issue. But no guarantee.

What the immigration officer is looking for is abuse of the system. They’re used to people travelling around SE Asia and using Thailand as a hub so it shouldn’t be a concern, but as it’s up to an individual officer we can’t say for certain.
Tlaloc *************
Thank you very much for your answer. I can imagine if I go first to Cambodia by bus, I can not get a visa on arrival again at the border. Right? However, if I fly to Indonesia and then I fly back to Bangkok, I could get again a visa on arrival. Right? I just got really nervous.
Stuart *********
@Tlaloc ************
They’ll let you out from a land border but you can’t “bounce” and come back from them. You’ll need to fly in.
Tlaloc *************
@Stuart ********
That's what I thought.. Then Cambodia is out of my plan... Thank you for the help!
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