Can I apply for a Non-O visa while on a tourist visa in Thailand, and will it affect the remaining days on my tourist visa?

June 6, 2022
2 years ago
Neil *******
Hi all,

Just a quickie, i arrived on a tourist visa with the intention of staying, ie retired.

It is my understanding that i can apply for my non O visa then non Ovisa extention based on retirement for a year.

I was just wondering about timing of applying for the first non O visa, at present im only 15 days into my 60day tourist visa, if i apply for non O now will that cancell my 45 days left of the tourist visa? Any advise on timing would be greatly appreciated.
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TLDR : Answer Summary
The user is currently on a tourist visa in Thailand and seeks advice on applying for a Non-O visa based on retirement. They are concerned about whether applying for the Non-O visa now will cancel the remaining 45 days of their tourist visa. Community members clarify that applying for the Non-O visa will not cancel the remaining days and discuss related visa processes and requirements, including the need for a certain amount of money in a Thai bank account and the importance of preparing necessary documents before applying.
  • Go to the Retirement Visa Section for information on requirements, including age restrictions, financial requirements, and necessary documentation.
  • For immediate assistance, contact Thai Visa Centre directly via LINE at @ThaiVisaCentre or Email them.
  • Explore recent discussions by using the Non-O Retirement Visa tag in the search box at the top of the page.
  • Join the Thai Visa Advice Facebook Group to ask your questions, and get advice from others.
Majid *******
Sir, AXA does not cover over 74s for ThaiVisa. Is there any other insurance company approved by Thai immigration to cover over 74s?
Alf ***********
The 90 days, the Non-O gives you, starts running from the moment they ink the visa in your passport.
Chris ********
I came in on a 90 day visa in January. Didn't give a monkeys about dates for this or that. Did everything as soon as I had money in bank. If you leave it, and don't have info/papers they need, you might have problems. Personally I would do it as soon as you can
John **********
You need a minimum of 15 days left (21 in a couple of areas) in order to apply for the initial Non-O visa. You also need to have 800k sitting in a Thai bank transferred in from overseas. That gets you a 90 day visa and before that expires you then apply for your annual extension so don't touch that 800k as you will need it for the extension.
Jonas *************
You need to have your email verify your passport is valid.

The can also "confirm" your address, which is needed for opening bankaccount.
Neil *******
Thankyou, i did pop into a bank (bankok bank) to try to open an account but sai my passport needs to be verified by immigration. Any idea about that?
John **********
@Neil ******
sounds like they want a residence certificate. Immigration can give you one, if they won't your embassy should.
Neil *******
Do you need the 800k in the bank for the first nonO? I was under the impression it only had to be there (for 60days) prior to applying for nonO 1year extension based on retirement
John **********
@Neil ******
yes. It has to be there for the initial Non-O, but no seasoning requirement so just as long as it's there. Then for the extension there's 2 months seasoning requirement. Note 2 months and not 60 days so don't get caught out by 31 day months
Philip ***********
When applying for non o your current visa has to be value for minimum 15 days
Diane **********
It will not cancel your 45 days. I’m in the process. After 3 weeks of my 60 days tourist visa, I requested the non O together with the one month extension. And I will be back at immigration at the earliest 45 days before the end of my 30 days extension. I will then get the 1 year non-0 starting after the 30 days extension. Don’t ask me why or how … I just followed the process initiated by my lawyer.
Jesús *******
@Diane *********
thanks for the info; and do you recommend your lawyer?
Neil *******
Did you have the 800k in the bank for the first nonO?, a few people here saying yes but i was believing it only has to there for 60days prior to the extension
Diane **********
@Neil ******
yes I had. Understood too late when I first wanted to do it that it should be there 3 months before and not 2 months. Still not so sure about the delay anyhow !! Depends of immigration people I guess …
Chris *******
I would be getting everything prepared and applying for the visa.

Giving you time should you not have in order or everything needed, qualifications etc.

First (if you haven't yet) get the bank account and money here and seasoned.

Remember you can always extend the tourist visa once for 30 days 1900b.

We arranged our non-o before we arrived.
Kool *******
Why would you be concerned with the remaining 45 days of your tourist visa when your initial type O is for 90 days, and then your year extension gets you that extra year? Does 45 days make that much difference when you plan on staying here? Get your type O and be done with it. A few days extra doesn't really matter as you are staying here, and can get another year for another bt1900.
Neil *******
Fair point
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