washington dc consul

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Aug 16, 2024
5 months ago
Dennis ********

I just received my 5 year DTV visa as a freelancer / digital nomad from the Washington DC consul.

The whole process took 15 days. I suggest you plan on applying a full month in advance of your trip in case there are delays.

I found the website a little tricky to navigate. The docs upload must be in the correct format and you can only upload one doc at a time for the work verification. Since I had a lot of docs, I ultimately had to edit my entire resume into one JPG under 3 mb in size. I have heard there are apps that will compress files so that you can combine several docs, but that solution didnt work for me.

I had sufficient funds in my account.

After I submitted the application and paid, there was a delay of 2 weeks with no notification.

They finally requested a copy of my current IRS tax return.

After I sent this they granted the visa immediately. I would advise that when filling out your application that you answer the question about your yearly income truthfully in case they come back later and ask for tax records.

All in all, the process was pretty straightforward.

I called the DC office and they picked up quickly and were helpful.

My advice: Keep your documetation concise. They are busy so give them what they require but make it simple.

Give yourself sufficient time for the process.

Remember, they aren’t offering this visa to keep you out.

Thank you Tod Daniels and the TVA moderators for your help.

The thai visa experience is sometimes a study in burecratic innefficiency and this current overhaul was long overdue.
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