documentation for thai visa

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Dec 18, 2024
16 days ago
Hi everyone,

On December 13th, I submitted my documents to the Thai Embassy in Berlin. Today, I received feedback that only biometric photos from a photo studio are now accepted (which is no problem). They also requested an "explanation of how I work remotely in Thailand."

On Friday, I submitted the following documents: proof of residence in Germany, a freelance work contract, a certificate from my employer confirming that it is a remote position, and my German business registration.

What exactly should I explain now? That I only need internet and a laptop, that the time difference is not an issue, etc.?

Thank you so much in advance for your help!
Dec 29, 2022
2 years ago
Elen ***********
Hi all! Does anyone have the full checklist of documents when applying for a non-immigrant O visa as a spouse of a foreigner working in Thailand? I am planning to apply in Hanoi and their website doesn't have the list of documents for this type of visa. Any help would be appreciated!
Oct 30, 2019
5 years ago
JJ *********
So Today I got my Long Stay OA Visa at the Thai Consulate in Los Angeles. Thank you to this Group who suggested I bite the bullet and go back to California to get the correct visa as I was using an ED visa and, genuinely learning Thai yet it was a pure headache (for me). James had recently been to L.A and handed out some great supplemental advise on top of everything.

Here is what I did. I dropped my paperwork off on Monday (25 minutes) and came back Tuesday (before lunch) and was out, back on the street within 15 minutes.

First things first, follow the L.A. Consulate website verbatim and you'll be okay. I prepared mine in a nice clear plastic paged binder in the same sequence as noted on the website with 4 copies of each document. It was noticed and she thanked me for such a nice presentation (I guess they see a lot) and said you only need two of this and three of that in the future, I just smiled back.

Here is the list I presented (nothing notarized per email communication with the consulate):

Passport Copies

Ventura County Sherrif (where I am from) background, criminal check

Medical Certificate (less than 6 months old) obtained in Bangkok prior to my return.

Airline ticket (email) back to Thailand

Application for Visa * Here, you put an original passport photo, not photocopied on each of the copies* BE SURE TO HAVE 4 photos (not 3). I always carry a few extra, saved me this time.

Additional Application (found on website as well)

Bank statements, I clarified with them prior to going via email, as my bank is in Hawaii, would be difficult for them to have been notarized by them. They said no problem to just print out and present. It is noted, they have my name and USA address (family member) along with, and she pointed out is a key factor, the branch name/adresss in Hawaii

I presented two months/quarters where relevant of both my US checking, US savings and My Thai Savings showing money going in and then out. Again, nothing notarized.

I showed her my health insurance quotes, she just said not necessary until next month. This is a seperate issue so enough said on that.

The rest of the information made available to them were: Copy of my Thai Drivers Licenses, Any copy of any document provided to me by Thai immigration, TM30, 90 day, etc., within the last year along with a copy of my current lease. And documentation from the school I was/am attending in Bangkok. She (pre check) flipped through everything and did not seem to care either way and handed me back my document holder. The visa issue guy, did not ask to see it.

This was my experience, I hope it helps. Feel free to ask any questions deemed relevant to my experience. I reiterate, I dont know what will happen with the insurance as I return in November, but, my visa is stamped/dated prior to the 31st.
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