What visa options do I have for moving to Thailand as a 55-year-old with no family there?

December 1, 2020
4 years ago
Simon *******
Hi all I’m 55 and in the Uk would I be able to get a Visa ASAP I have no family in Thailand I am getting a lot of mixed advice/ bullshite
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TLDR : Answer Summary
The user is inquiring about obtaining a visa to move to Thailand swiftly, expressing frustration over inconsistent advice. Comments suggest various visa types available, including the TR visa and alternatives like Non-O or tourist visas. Discussions highlight the current visa rules amid COVID-19, including quarantine requirements and embassy procedures in the UK. Users advise contacting the Thai Embassy directly for accurate information and share experiences about applying for different visa types under the present restrictions.
  • Go to the Retirement Visa Section for information on requirements, including age restrictions, financial requirements, and necessary documentation.
  • For immediate assistance, contact Thai Visa Centre directly via LINE at @ThaiVisaCentre or Email them.
  • Explore recent discussions by using the Non-O Retirement Visa tag in the search box at the top of the page.
  • Join the Thai Visa Advice Facebook Group to ask your questions, and get advice from others.
Philip **********
Do NOT use an agent. You can do everything yourself. If you’re retired and make over 65k (Bhat) a month. You don’t need 800 or 400k in a bank account. You just need proof with a notarized letter from your embassy to verify your monthly income.

That’s what I did.
Jane ***********
@Philip *********
The problem with that is - many embassies, including the UK, will not provide that letter.
Philip **********
@Jane **********
They won’t notarize anything?
Jane ***********
@Philip *********
They won’t notarise your bank statements/income details. They will only notarise things like driving license copies etc.
Philip **********
@Jane **********
Hmm ok. Canadian Embassy will for $50.00 Canadian
Jane ***********
@Philip *********
Canada is one of the few Embassies that does.
Philip **********
@Jane **********
Thanks for the info.
Jenny *******
Pm me I can help you getting visa to come in to Thailand
David ***********
Hi Simon. I’ve just done TR VISA (60+30) from UK. Just finalising my COE and flying out mid Dec. It’s all pretty straight forward - just takes a while so you have to be patient. Happy to talk you through it if you want - DM me. As it happens I’m also in Leeds 😃
Joe ******
@David **********

I'm doing mine .

Did you book and confirm your flights and AsQ before applying for the 60vday visa.
David ***********
@Joe *****
I didn’t book anything before applying for 60 day VISA. VISA online application asks for flight details so I just went on Emirates website, selected a flight but before paying I just printed the itinerary and attached that to the application. 60 day VISA online application process doesn’t ask for ASQ details. You need to book & confirm flights and ASQ to complete the final stage of COE. Hope that helps.
Joe ******
@David **********
Thanks .

Will do that.
Simon *******
@David **********
sorry but I don’t even know how to DM you 😂if you could help me I would really appreciate it ps I live in Cookridge I’m from Horseforth I could come and meet you with my I pad
David ***********
@Simon ******
Small world, I’m only in Yeadon. Coffee sounds like a great idea. I’m real busy today but tomorrow is no problem.
Polly ****************
Wish you were near us I’m no good at any of this.I just heard that myself and my partner can’t share a room in hotel to quarantine as we are not married.we own a condo in Phuket jointly also everyth8ng in Uk joint.
Simon *******
@David **********
hi mate I will can we do coffee ? I’m covid free
Terry ********
Or a 90 day retirement O visa is straightforward.
Terry ********
Yes it is now. I just obtained it!
Jane ***********
If you want a long term option. Get tourist visa and then use an agent to buy a retirement visa when you’re here ( around £800 for a year). If you want a short term option just get a tourist visa.
Eddie *******
@Jane **********
or an agent for 14,000 baht....
Jane ***********
@Eddie ******
the cost depends whether or not you have to buy the OA and then the retirement visa or you already have the former
Eddie *******
@Jane **********
cool. Thanks i will look into that
Gary **********
I watch a lot of YouTube videos from Integrity Legal, and the message I’m getting is that, owing to the complexity of the new requirements and the really delicate timing involved and the expensive pitfalls, you’re probably going to save money by hiring professionals.
Milena **********
Hi! PLease DM me for more information. It is possible to enter Thailand by receiving a medical tourist visa via Oriental Bamboo Language School.
Steve *********
London embassy closed until 8th. Still processing, but might be slower responding.
Garrett ***********
Hahaha, close an entire embassy for a week to "deep clean it." Governments......
Simon *******
Anyone else having this problem when applying
Mark **********
@Simon ******
any luck Simon. Same happens for me 😞
Simon *******
@Mark ******
no mate but I’m talking to a guy from my town says he got his visa and will help me so just waiting for him to get back to me 🙏I’ve offered to go see him with iPad to sort it I will add you to fb messenger and keep you informed
Mark **********
@Simon ******
Thanks very much Simon. Much appreciated 👍
Simon *******
@Mark ******
I sent you a message on messenger
Simon *******
@Mark ******
we just need to find the correct web site when you looking to go ?? It’s so frustrating all the requirements 😡😡
Carl *********
@Simon ******
yes having same problem
Simon *******
@Carl ********
any luck .?
Carl *********
@Simon ******
no still no good
Steve *********
@Simon ******
what type of visa are you trying?
Simon *******
@Steve ********
any that will get me in what you recommend ?
Steve *********
@Simon ******
what's the reason for travel?
Simon *******
@Steve ********
Co ring to see my Thai girlfriend semi retirement
Andrea ********
Try Liverpool, nice ladies there. Maybe Hull.
Andrea ********
Andrea ********
Phone and see. No idea, I'm in Thailand. Sorry
Michael ********
@Andrea *******
i thought all consulates are closed ? Have they reopened ?
Ադամ ********
The RTE IN London responds to inquiries?!
Nick *******
Don't rely on info on here, Just contact the Thai Embassy in London or go there, Queens Gate, Kensington. Open Mon-Fri 9am-12pm & 2pm-5pm

(Easy parking in Sainsburys nearby) 🙂
Steve *********
@Nick ******
embassy closed until 8th
Michael ********
Nick *******
My original reply to the post was it's better for him to visit the embassy than rely on info on here. 🙄
Nick *******
@Michael *******
yes and ur point?
Michael ********
@Nick ******
dont want wasted trip down from Leeds
Nick *******
@Michael *******
i'm sure he will verify everything first coming down from Leeds. 😉
Nick *******
@Michael *******
resumes 3rd December
Michael ********
@Nick ******
yes then closes 7th 10th and 11th
Simon *******
@Nick ******
I’m up in Leeds but thanks
Michael ********
Get TR visa come into country.
Joe ******
You have to ask yourself can You stay locked up for 15 days.And pay for the privilege.
Nick *******
all everyone had to do was do it early, once... plenty of current and future value in getting into a country that realised that. What if the next novel virus also has a 1% death rate but later we discover also makes everyone lose all their limbs... Thailand passed the relative fire drill with flying colours
Nick *******
yeah the pandemic killed actual foreign tourism but if you're coming on a solid long-stay plan and an optimist, once you're in you're free to relax on a deserted tropical beach or mountain instead of being cooped up in the cold dark British winter. It's probably cheaper than post-cyclical lockdown therapy.
Keith *********
Thailand not for me at the moment been going for years I'll wait for virus to settle down
Michael ********
@Joe *****
if you cannot do that you must be a real wuss
Joe ******
@Michael *******
yeah I think it's not for everyone.

I got back middle Jan and had flight booked for April .Sucks.

I'm definitely gonna go back Dec or Jan.

I'll have to quarantine if nothing changes.

Life too short.
Michael ********
@Joe *****
i work on ships and offshore have already done quarantine in July it was easy. Playstation and Dumbells my biceps and thumbs strong now
Joe ******
@Michael *******
my son works on a ship offshore 5 weeks on straight but only playstation for him
Michael ********
@Joe *****
Got my wife to bring me dumbells when i was in quarantine
Joe ******
@Michael *******
lucky man 😁😁
Michael ********
@Joe *****
always Lazada ASQs accept deliveries of non food and booze items.
Joe ******
@Michael *******
interesting to know.
Mark ***********
@Michael *******
i got here yesterday
Lee *********
Yes you can get a tourist visa. 60+ 30 day extension but you can't change visa once you're there and you have to do your 15 night quarantine.
Nick *******
Pretty sure it was only the STV - not the TR - which cannot be converted - from what I've read, STV holders will have no choice but to either leave when it's up, overstay, or get lucky with amnesty/covid extensions at that time. Not an issue if the vaccines work but a potentially very expensive problem if they don't.
Garrett ***********
Nick *******
@Garrett **********
yeah it seems the STV was designed for long stays, not for tourism, but long stays will be better off on the shorter TR
Nick *******
(unless the pandemic is no longer an issue for visa runs in 9 months)
Lee *********
David Broadfoot. I know, we established 2 days ago that they'd yet again moved the goalposts.
Jennifer ********
David Broadfoot Alright, but the resumption of issuing the TR visa, with specific Covid related requirements, is new/recent, just started a month or so ago. Before that the STV was the only way to get in as a tourist, and it had heavier financial requirements and was offered only to select countries that had Covid somewhat under control. With the current TR visa many countries that were left off the STV are now able to enter, the financial burden is lowered and it's being processed pretty quickly. Apparently they're going all in with getting tourism somewhat restarted.
Garrett ***********
Jay In January? That was 11 months ago...
Lee *********
@Michael *******
, must be another bloomin change. I helped a friend get his visa a week ago and that's what it said then. The changes come so fast. Sorry for the mistake.
Michael ********
@Lee ********
yes change daily and different immigration offices differ
Jennifer ********
@Jay ****
This is a new visa (TR) that people are getting from outside the country, for 60 days with the possibility of extending for 30 more.
Michael ********
@Lee ********
wrong peopke have already been changing Visa type in country read yesterdays posts
Paul *****************
Keef ********
"BBQ in Garden with friends" ^^ no wonder Covid19 is still spreading like a swarm of bats
Atti **************
@Paul ****************
stay home and get stupid.
Paul *****************
@Atti *************
the Best Place in World is at Home. No 14 Days Jail Qurantäne no Mask enjoy Life Barbecue in Garden with Freinds.
Kevin *******
Depends when looking to go. Can get a tourist visa at moment from UK but my understanding is not a retirement visa yet as not processing. I’m going out this Saturday but in non-O as have family and was told not processing retirement so that was my best option for now
Simon *******
@Kevin ******
I have rang the embassy in hull and the message is London and hull are closed due to covid 😡😡
Kevin *******
@Simon ******
yes they are closed. They are doing everything via email. If looking forward tourist visa then you can apply online through London website. You then need to send your passport to obtain visa and then process your COE
Steve *********
What sort of visa? Tourist? "Retirement"?
Simon *******
@Steve ********
any I just need the correct info
Mark ***********
@Simon ******
cause you can its easy just need patience
Simon *******
@Mark **********
cheers mark I’ll message you tomorrow 🙏🙏
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