What visa options are available for an American wanting to stay in Thailand for 6 months or longer?

December 19, 2023
9 months ago
Sid *******
How long can each visit to Thailand be with an American passport. If I plan on staying for 6 months initially and possible plans to stay longer , what kind of visa will I eventually need: I am 39 so won’t qualify for retirement visa.

Thank you
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TLDR : Answer Summary
An American passport holder can stay in Thailand for 30 days without a visa, which can be extended for an additional 30 days for a fee. For longer stays, options include obtaining a Multiple Entry Tourist Visa (METV) that allows for multiple entries and can extend your stay up to 9 months while only requiring two exits from the country. Other visa options for longer stays include an Education Visa, Work Visa, Marriage Visa, or the Elite Visa, though the latter involves higher costs. Since the individual is under 40, they do not qualify for the retirement visa.
  • Go to the Retirement Visa Section for information on requirements, including age restrictions, financial requirements, and necessary documentation.
  • For immediate assistance, contact Thai Visa Centre directly via LINE at @ThaiVisaCentre or Email them.
  • Explore recent discussions by using the Non-O Retirement Visa tag in the search box at the top of the page.
  • Join the Thai Visa Advice Facebook Group to ask your questions, and get advice from others.
Bill ********
Bill ********
You need to do more research.
Braulio *********
Sid has really done his research
Terary **********
I came here when I was 39. I also had no definite plans for leaving. Ten years on and I am still here.

METV is a good option if you know you will be staying that long. I have been doing visa runs for the past 2 years so that too is an option.

Once you get here and start talking with other exPats, the visa process makes more sense.

Enjoy your trip.
Kool *******
The multi-entry tourist visa, the METV, good for 6 months from the time is is issued, will give you 60 days in Thailand each time you enter during those 6 months. By timing it right, and using the 30 day extension available each time you enter, you can stay almost 9 full months, with only having to leave, and immediately re-enter just twice. This can only be gotten in the US with your US passport, as you need to show a paid for plane ticket out of the US to Thailand.
Joshua **********
Other than Ed visa there are no visa for long stays for us at that age. Without jumping through hoops. Like I’m retired at 40 meet all requirements for retirement visa EXCEPT I’m not old enough for it.

I’m not working for a visa or stating a business here.
Todd *********
@Joshua *********
a Kool mentioned, Elite is for precisely that reason. If you can't afford it, it offers a realistic appraisal of whether you are really 'retired' at 40. It's a very good visa and no major issues to acquire.
Joshua **********
@Todd ********
definitely can afford it but why waste money like that. And yep definitely retired making over 6 figures UDS now. Even if my properties went away still have a very nice pension.
Todd *********
@Joshua *********
I suppose it’s a matter of how one perceives ‘waste’. Ten years of Elite is only $42k. That’s only $350 a month to have zero immigration headaches for a decade. Which takes you to 50 and LTR retirement eligibility
Joshua **********
@Todd ********
if compound over them 20 years you’d have over 250k UDS from that little 350 a month. Assuming a small return of only 8%. So yep huge waste of money in my book.
Alistair **********
@Joshua *********
but you could do that with every expense in life. May as well live in the the cheapest possible accommodation and eat as cheap as possible then and invest the rest and never enjoy life
Joshua **********
@Alistair *********
that’s one way to think about. But I’m already living on a very nice budget(substantially more than most in the states make)and still investing. When I go my kids and grandkids will be set. Generational wealth. Why keep letting everyone grind when they don’t need too. Money makes money.
Kool *******
@Joshua *********
actually the Elite visa, now called the Privilege visa, works just fine for up to 20 years staying without having to work, or go to school. If you are retired before you are 40, unless it is for medical reasons, you should be able to afford it.
Joshua **********
@Kool ******
ya for me there not a chance in give the government money to stay like that. I’m putting that money in to economy.
Kool *******
@Joshua *********
sure you are...lolol.
Brandon ************
@Joshua *********
a little niche but some of the LTRs might work
Rich ****
Get the METV from the Thai embassy in US
Ruth *******
@Rich ***
definitely the best bet
Sid *******
@Rich ***
thank you…I’ll look into it
Bonnie *********
What did you learn from the Thai Embassy site in your home country?
Sid *******
I know about the elite visa..I suppose what my question is how can I stay there more than 30 days without leaving until I figure out what I want to do and if I like it
Andi ***********
Sid Kumar METV suits your plans, gives you 9months. Not that difficult to get
Brian *********
Assuming base qualifications are met (like not being a criminal)

Elite Visa - if you have the money

Edu Visa - if you can find an education

Work Visa - if you can find work

Exempt Stamp + infinite airborne border runs - if you’ve got nothing else

Sounds like you need to do some homework. 👍
Todd *********
30 days free which can be extended by 30 days in country for 1900 baht.
Michael ********
Get a multiple entry tourist visa first from your own country that can give you nearly 9 months. Then make a desicion you may hate the place you may find greener pastures,
Sid *******
Frank **********
You ever think of checking the Thai Embassy website in the US?
Sid *******
@Frank *********
I actually I did do my research to the best of my ability before asking
Frank **********
@Sid ******
that is good. Your best bet would probably be a multiple entry tourist visa if available.
Reidar **********
Come to Vietnam, it is far cheaper, easier and far more interesting. Visa is flexible .. 90 days and extension cost is $55. As many extensions as you like.
Reidar **********
Roland Winter Meaning ? A Yankee that is lost in his own mind ?
Darren *******
@Reidar *********
considering the 90 day evisa has only been in place for about 4 months I think it's a bit early to say you can get "as many extensions as you like".
Reidar **********
@Darren ******
Same as pre covid .. only cheaper
Darren *******
@Reidar *********
let's see as what I'm hearing is it's not going to be unlimited as you seem to think
Reidar **********
@Darren ******
Then you're hearing wrongly. Latest news from the immigration department is to select a stronger voice in promoting Vietnam as the easiest country to visit in SE Asia. In addition, the country is focusing on attracting international "snow birds" to aid in the rebuilding of the tourism industry that took a severe hit during covid. Pre- Covid, one only had to contact an agency to pick up ones PP and have it delivered to one's door, few days later. I personally lived here for years without leaving the country. Those are facts .. not rumors.
Darren *******
@Reidar *********
not from my sources within Immigration in VN but hey ho, it doesn't impact me either way.
Reidar **********
@Darren ******
Interesting, as a foreigner . You have direct intelligent sources within the Vietnamese immigration departments ..Which department my Vietnamese partner likes to know .
Darren *******
@Reidar *********
as a foreigner who has personal contacts within HCMC Immigration dept due to work.
Reidar **********
@Darren ******
Foreigner ?? Works in the Vietnam government immigration office .. What BS !!
Jo **********
@Reidar *********
it’s a completely different culture and country it’s not Thailand. Thailand was never colonized and as a result people are more open to people. Vietnam has been colonized and left bitter with that and it’s past wars. It’s not just about money
Ron *******
@Jo *********
Thailand was NOT colonized
Jo **********
@Ron ******
that’s what I meant - corrected that
Peter ********
@Jo *********
I’m always making mistakes. Don’t worry.
Peter ********
@Jo *********
you mean NOT colonized. Try and get the basics right mate. Your typo will confuse the ignorant. Of which there are many.
Jo **********
@Peter *******
yes not colonized
Reidar **********
@Jo *********
Live and owned business in Chiang Mai over several years. To have a frank and open conversation in Thailand .. best to be done in a park environment, or risk 15+ years in solitaire confinement.
Todd *********
@Reidar *********
far cheaper, easier and interesting would be far exaggerated.
Reidar **********
@Todd ********
Allow me to educate you. Out of 56 companies that exited China, 26 relocated to Vietnam, 11 went to Thailand, rest disbursed through other Asian countries. From the central DaNang and south, country is fully bilingual. A 4 bedroom, modern, fully furnished house, centrally located, terraced, large garden is about $450 -470. One month deposit, (not 2 months as in most parts of Thailand). The average monthly cost is <$1000, including all food and drink. Safest country in SE Asia and far less pollution than in Thailand. And the longest coastal areas of all. PS. Zero tax on any income.
Reidar **********
@Todd ********
Tell me why it is not ..
Graham *******
At that age get a job or start a business
Brandon ************
You're going to have issues trying to stay long term without a long term visa. Just because you want to stay doesn't mean you have the right to stay.

You could do an education visa for a year or so but you'll need to be attending classes regularly and will need to apply for an extension every 90 days with documentation from your school including your attendance records etc.

You can find a job in Thailand get a work visa.

You can see if you qualify for any of the new LTR visas.

You can get married to a Thai and apply for a marriage visa.

You can pay for an elite visa.
Jeffrey ************
Your local RTE website will help.
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