Visa overstay question My husband, a researcher with a major university in Bangkok, inadvertently violated his Ed visa by leaving Thailand without a re-entry permit, & is now on visa-on-arrival expiring December 26. (Taiwan passport.) The school is aware & now arranging a new Ed visa. My question: Would overstaying a few days & paying a fine until the new Ed visa is completed be a huge problem in the future as far as re-entering Thailand? We’re concerned that flying out now & re-entering with a new visa will require the school to start the whole Ed visa process over again. (He’s asked the school to hurry, but obviously it’s now Friday & his visa expires on Monday.) Thanks for any advice!
TLDR : Answer Summary
The user is concerned about their husband overstaying his visa in Thailand while waiting for the processing of a new Ed visa. He mistakenly left Thailand without a re-entry permit, which invalidated his previous Ed visa, and is now on a visa-on-arrival expiring December 26. The comments suggest he should avoid overstaying, as even a couple of days could complicate future visa applications. The best course of action is to leave Thailand and then reapply for a new Ed visa, as extensions or renewals cannot be done while overstaying. A border bounce is suggested, although it may restart the Ed visa process. They emphasize the importance of inquiring with the school about specific processing times for a new Ed visa.