What should I know about 90-Day online reporting after leaving Thailand?

November 30, 2022
2 years ago
Mark *********
Quick ask. For a time I've been doing 90 Day reporting online. It appears to be working OK now. I've not, though, been leaving Thailand since COVID, but that is now changing, so the need to report changes dates with reporting at the airport coming into play through one's new TM6. Has anybody any experience whether or not the online calls to report are adjusting correctly? Which seems particularly unlikely given that TM6 still seems to be in abeyance!!
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TLDR : Answer Summary
The conversation discusses the process of 90-day reporting for expats who have not left Thailand since COVID-19. While online reporting appears to work, users express concerns about how the system handles re-entry and the requirement of TM6 forms. It's noted that reporting duties restart upon re-entering Thailand, but the system may not recognize absences and could send reminders inaccurately. Additionally, issues with re-entry may arise if there are complications related to visa extensions made during the pandemic.
Graham ******
You may have difficulty re-entering Thailand without the correct visa if you have a history of Covid Extensions if that is what you are saying
Cary ******
The other option though not the correct way would be to check in when you get those reminders just to keep on schedule if you won’t be gone for long periods 🤷‍♂️
Mark *********
But, surely, Cary's point is that you would be in the correct time window in so far as the system knows.
Stuart *********
@Mark ********
The system will accept the entry but when the human immigration officer checks it they’ll reject it. That’s why you get two emails on application. The first (automatic one) saying application received, the following one you either get a rejection email or confirmation email once it’s been manually processed.
Cary ******
@Mark ********
that was what I was thinking, thanks.
Stuart *********
@Cary *****
That won’t work. The system will reject the application if you’re not in the “time window” for reporting.
Steve ********
TM6 no longer required. I've done an online 90-day report since returning from overseas in July. Worked no problem
Mark *********
No need to be rude. I'm fairly sure that's not how I did it. I also seem to remember that for cell phone different again. I'm afraid I'm in the process of moving, no idea at this point where my "paper" trail is. Probably screenshots somewhere + one of the legal businesses did a full-on step by step guide. But it's not space I'm either in or expected to be in for a time until my next report. I'm up to my neck in my current research.
Steve ********
@Mark ********
@Mark ********
Excellent! Keep up the good work! As they say "it's not rocket science"!
Steve ********
@Mark ********
@Mark ********
@Mark ********
Look down at the bottom under the Login button. See the bit that says "don't have an account?" Try clicking on the "apply" bit. Mate, if I was a bit closer I'd mosey on over and hold your hand, but I've got World Cup parties to go to 🤣
Neil ************
Can you share the link to 90 Day online reporting, please?
Steve ********
@Neil ***********
Neil ************
@Steve *******
thanks Steve👍🏼
Mark *********
@Steve *******
Yep, but you need to be registered for online 90 Day reporting first.
Steve ********
@Mark ********
Correct. So just register 😆
Mark *********
@Steve *******
But the regsitration was prior to and separate from the TM47 link, which is a login link.
Mark *********
@Neil ***********
I haven't forgotten you. There are 101 guides to 90 day reporting online, none of which mention that you have to register to report online. That is beyond stupid. But the plot worsens in that it was always more than a little opaque as to how one might register - the rest then falls into place. At this minute I'm failing to find any link for registration, but will keep trying. Bits of the Immigration system seem to be down today - maybe that's why.
Mark *********
Many Thanks. I'll certainly try it. The obvious way forward seems to be scans of passport exit and entry stamps to add to the paper trail. And you have plenty of time to fail and present at Chaeng Wattana - now they're back there I don't mind that much but previously it was a no.
Stuart *********
The need to report stops the second you leave Thailand. It restarts as day one when you reenter. The system won’t know that you have left so will send you reminders about your need to file.
Mark *********
Thanks, guys. As I guessed, doesn't join up. Though yep, I was focused wrongly on the return rather than the leaving. Whatever, they seem to have successfully negated online.
John **********
Nope you've got to work it out for yourself
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