What should I do with my Multi-Entry Tourist Visa if I need to postpone my trip to Thailand?

August 20, 2019
5 years ago
Catherine *********
Hi all, would love some advice / guidance. I have an Irish passport and was in Thailand for just under 4 months (April - July 2019) on 30 day tourist visas (successfully got extensions on tourist visa). I then came home to Ireland and applied for a 6 month Multi entry tourist visa which I was granted and is effective Aug 2019 - February 2020. I had planned my trip for 15th September to go over until February. However due to an illness in my family I may need to postpone my trip until possibly next year. What would I need to do in terms of the active visa and reapplying for a time to travel next year? Or if I decided to go in for example January 2020 would I only have 1 month valid on the visa and need to leave February? I appreciaite any advice. Thanks
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TLDR : Answer Summary
A user is seeking guidance on how to handle their Multi-Entry Tourist Visa for Thailand due to a family illness requiring a potential postponement of travel. The visa is active from Aug 2019 to Feb 2020, and the user queries about implications of traveling in January 2020 if postponed, concerning entry validity and extension options.
Tod *********
as long as you enter thailand before the enter before date of the METV in your passport (which you say is Feb 2020 some time) you'll get stamped in for 60 days.

Unfortunately you are burning the validity of the visa (the time you can use to enter the country) up by not being here, but it can't be helped.
Catherine *********
@Tod ********
thank you. It’s just very unfortunate circumstances that I’ve had to put everything on hold.. believe me I wish I could still go as planned!
Scott **********
I think you have already received good advice but I would just add, take a good luck at the enter before date on your visa. Any or all entries to Thailand will give you a 60 day stamp and could be extended at immigration.
Catherine *********
@Scott *********
thanks so much. It may be the case I will be starting all over again next year but it’s a wait and see case for now. Thanks so much for the advice you’ve been great ☺️
Scott **********
@Catherine ********
Yes you would need to apply for a new visa. I do not think the Embassy or Consulate staff would have a problem with your explanation or even if you did not explain. Some years ago I had a single entry Thai visa which I did not use for reasons similar to you. It has only come up once. An immigration officer became confused when the number of visas in my passport did not equal the number in their database. After scratching his head for a bit the Officer asked if I had one I had not used. I said yes and all was well and I was on my way
Catherine *********
@Scott *********
Thanks Scott. If in the event it was after Feb and visa expired, would I have to make a new application for the 6 mth multi & explain I didn’t activate the previous visa due to family illness?
Paul ********
If you went in Jan 2020, you would have 60 days from date of entry on your METV.
Catherine *********
@James *******
thanks James
James ********
@Tod ********
will confirm (hopefully) if I am correct on Tuesday morning 😉
James ********
And upon arrival in January as stated by Paul above...you are stamped in for 60 days.

But if you left and returned before METV expiration date in February you would again be stamped.in for 60 days with one 30 day extension possible...giving you up to four months in Thailand..with planning.🙏
James ********
@Paul *******
which could be extended 30 days at Thai Immigration for 1,900 Thai baht.
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