What is the process for applying for a Special Tourist Visa (STV) to relocate to Bangkok during the COVID-19 pandemic?

January 14, 2021
4 years ago
Niki *********
Hello! My name is Niki Neumann and my partner, Dan Mariani, and I are considering relocating to Bangkok. We are teachers at Ayeyarwaddy International School in Mandalay, Myanmar and are currently stranded in the US as we wait for the borders to reopen in Myanmar. We have learned of the possibility of getting there if we relocate to Thailand first.

Our head of school says we qualify for the special tourist visa and we are wondering what the best way to start this process is. Also, we are wondering if anyone has been successful acquiring this and how long it took. Thank you so much in advance! Any help is appreciated.
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TLDR : Answer Summary
Niki Neumann and her partner Dan Mariani are currently in the US and are considering relocating to Bangkok due to delays in Myanmar. They have learned about the Special Tourist Visa (STV) option and are seeking advice on the best way to start the application process, experiences from others who have successfully acquired it, and details on the duration it takes. The conversation includes comments detailing the application process, the potential costs, and suggestions to consider a Visa Exempt option instead, given the complications of the STV.
David **********
Good luck to you it must be a fascinating place to work
Paul *************
Here is an interesting article a little off subject but in line
Nigel ********
@Paul ************
, in my opinion, an immunity passport will become a prereq to international flying, same as yellow fever, cholera, etc, were 30 years ago. Qantas has already gone public with a 'no jab no fly' when it resumes international routes.
Paul *************
Dianne *****
The STV is restrictive and expensive. You cannot change onto another visa from the STV, it is clearly stated on every article and Thai Embasdy website that this is not possible. As others have said you need to pay for your 15 days hotel quarantine upfront starting at around 30,000 baht each and for insurance that will cover $100K US for a minimum of 90 days. Then you need to pay for the remainder of your 90 days accommodation in Thailand upfront (10 weeks) before you can even get a STV. As there is little chance of the land border opening between Thailand and Myanmar anytime soon given the out of control Covid situation in Myanmar, I can't see any advantage of you flying into Thailand as opposed to flying directly into Myanmar from the US
Dianne *****
But perhaps if you are wanting to teach in Thailand you could look at applying to international schools in Bangkok and come in on a work visa with the view of living and working here for a year or two until the Covid situation changes and you can travel back to Myanmar
Nick ****************
@Dianne ****
I don't think they would qualify as teachers for the major International Thai Schools as the documentation and requirements are much higher in Thailand then Burma.
Max *******
I would not go to Myanmar any time in the near future as the Chinese Virus is very very bad there
Nick ****************
The schools are closed in Myanmar anyway so no rush.
Benjamin ******
Assuming your Americans, I recommend entering on a visa exampt. This let's you stay in Thailand for 45 days, extendable once for 30 days for 1,900 THB per person.

An ASQ will cost about 40K THB per person.
Michael ********
I wouldnt do the STV to many financial restrictions with accomadation.

You can come in on TR but do not see borders opening up soon.

Will still cost you minimum

baht ASQ

8000 baht 3 months covid insurance and thats each.

Plus all visa etc etc
Naja ***********
Thailand visa advice - and everything else (including those that feel better about themselves when they try to push people below them). I'm into the visa advice, not so sure about anything else though....
JD ********
Sam Moses Showing me your mental age and IQ.. Wow 11. Not even measurable on the scale. Poor little Bully... please don't cry... ๐Ÿ˜†
JD ********
@Ka ********
Just Juvenile Delinquents who can't get over not being able to be the bully on the playground
Naja ***********
@JD *******
even that's giving them too much credit ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿ™ˆ
Koy *********
Niki Neumann Iโ€™m DM you about process of apply STV VISA
Paul *************
The STV may be a little expensive, with the requirements for Insurance for at least 90 days and the requirements for Quarantine for 15 days. You will also need to provide a marriage certificate if you wish to share a room for quarantine. I understand there is some discussion about eliminating the quarantine for people who are vaccinated. In Illinois I have no idea will allow normal people to receive the vaccine. May I suggest you wait to see if you can get vaccinated and or do a Visa Exempt, since you plan on moving on to Mandalay anyway. A Visa Exempt will get you 75 days with the extension you still need insurance and ASQ but overall will be less expensive and complicated than a STV. Thank you for your service in the Peace Corp
Paul *************
I think we will all know more once pfizer J&J and moderna release their study. It is inevitable that Thailand will allow vaccinated people in without quarantine. As eventually most people will be vaccinated and eventually quarantines will end. The mRNA vaccines seem to block transmission. You may thinking of the oxford vaccine which they originally theorized stopped illness but not transmission.
Steve *********
Apologies Daniel Mariani for the children in this group.
Jones *******
Niki Neumann Sent you a DM I'm in a similar situation. It is like being stranded in USA
Nigel ********
As qualified teachers presumably, you're experienced in independent research right? A simple online search of your country's Thai Embassy site, or this site, will answer your questions.
Nick ****
I am stranded in a beach town and the weather is too cloudy to go to the beach. Send money, food and booze. Also send nudes but only if you are an attractive lady.
Gene **********
Negative comments are getting worse on here! Covid seems to be getting the best of people.๐Ÿ™„๐Ÿ™„๐Ÿ™„
JD ********
You pseudo comedians need to recognize just how juvenile and dumbass you sound...
JD ********
Sam Moses You talking to yourself
Garrett ***********
Either "sound dumb" or "sounds like dumbasses"
JD ********
Sam Moses You and your loudmouth bunk buddies are the juvenile delinquent minded noids here... Your mottos 'Slam anyone today?.... Give anyone a hard time today? Made fun of anyone today?

Wow - such great contributions to society you make.
Daniel *********
Really brave keyboard warriors I suppose you are Sam Moses
@Jeremy *******
Lance Scheidt thank you for nothing.
Lance *********
Daniel Mariani whoa settle down there you.... keyboard warrior. ๐Ÿ˜ฎ
Daniel *********
@Lance ********
Real adult right here.
Lance *********
@Daniel ********
kinda hard to say it to your face seeing as youโ€™re stranded in the US of A. Do you need any essentials? Clean water or food? Also does your family know of your struggles whilst being stranded?
Garrett ***********
You're making it worse.
Jeremy ********
@Daniel ********
keyboard warriors ๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿคฃ just pointing out facts
Daniel *********
Wow very helpful guys. Sure "stranded" was a poor word choice, but we are simply teachers trying to find a way to get to our students. I hope it brings you fulfillment making a joke of our situation Sam Moses. I thought this was supposed to be an advice forum not a hate forum. Really showing great maturity here. Thanks for being totally unhelpful and revealing your ignorance to everyone.
Becky **********
Daniel Mariani please ignore the rude comments. I would talk to the Thai Embassy in the US. Or find an international school here in Thailand and let them issue yโ€™all a work permit. Maybe even teach here in Thailand for a while until Covid calms down in Myanmar. Good luck.
James *******
Garrett ***********
I gave you the advice you need in the first comment.
Daniel *********
@Garrett **********
Thank you and I appreciated your advice but everything else was flagrant and uncalled for.
Garrett ***********
Its the internet...
Naja ***********
@Garrett **********
Sam Moses The internet is a fantastic place to separate the wheat from the chaff. You guys did it all for yourselves. Daniel Mariani don't be bothered by their hot air. They need to do this to feel better about themselves. Sad isn't it. We don't need to do these things cos we don't need to feel better. Shame.
JD ********
Ka Ra Lee - Juvenile Delinquents who can't get over not being able to be the bully on the playground
Jeremy ********
Iโ€™m sending my thoughts and prayers that youโ€™re stranded in your home country with no prospects of employment available...Godspeed in your future endeavors
Lance *********
Sending thoughts and prayers to you being stranded in what most likely is your home country.
Garrett ***********
"Stranded" in America is a bit dramatic. Find the Thai embassy nearest to where you live (there's a few in the US) and apply online. There's an online application, STV is one of the options.
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