What does a Thai spouse need to access a foreign national's bank accounts if they die without a will?

May 24, 2021
3 years ago
Andy ********
Here is one for the - and everything else.

I am married to a Thai national and am living in Thailand. If I was to die without a will what would my wife need to be able to access my Thai bank accounts?
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TLDR : Answer Summary
The discussion revolves around what a Thai national would need to access the bank accounts of a deceased foreign spouse without a will. Key points include the necessity of a death certificate and marriage documents, the implications of having a joint bank account, and general advice emphasizing the importance of creating a will. Comments suggest that relying solely on a PIN for access is risky and highlight differing opinions about legal processes in Thailand regarding inheritance and account access.
Ryan ******
Maybe this will help answer some of your questions:
Terary **********
Treading very dangerous waters.. How do we know the poster is not actually the spouse? Then we would all be accomplices.
Andy ********
@Terary *********
very good point. I can assure you that I am me and not my wife. 😉
Karim ***************
You card and pin code?
Dwight ***********
Do it the right way
@MDG ****************
Tina ********
I was told by Bkk bank that wife needs to show marriage cert n husband death cert. Then she can have your money.
Jeff **********
@Tina *******
I wonder if that is one of those things that differs among bank branches.
Brian ********
I would always make a will in Thailand and make it clear what you want doing to your body when you die and who the house belongs to also who has any money that is in your Thai bank accounts and have the will written out by a professional
Dave ****
Bkk bank have a document you can sign which will give your partner access to your funds in the event of death. I personally have used it. Needs to be done at the branch you opened your account.
Andy ********
@Dave ***
thank you, that is a great suggestion. I am in the process of making a will but will fill this form in also.
Ari **********
If you do your will, be sure it’s by Thai.
Kratos ******
Do a silent will and put it in a security box with your bank. Only to be opened by you or at your time of death. Send the contents list to a family member back home. Why tempt fate?🤷‍♂️
Andy ********
@Kratos *****
what is a Silent Will and how would you ensure that it is legally correct?
Kratos ******
@Andy *******
it is a will like any other. But you don't tell your spouse and children the full details. Legal and less hassle from any family member. You're covering not only them, but yourself also.
Garrett ***********
Seriously, using your ATM card and removing the money 20k baht at a time would be far easier than gaining legal access to the account through the bank. Just make sure she has your pin.
Ryan ******
@Garrett **********
5555 no... big no....
Dave ****************
@Garrett **********
do you relize after your death ...if anyone included your wife pulls money from the account... the courts treats it as theft . Until the your will is probated...that account is frozen...make a will ...or everything will end up in the government hands
Ryan ******
@Dave ***************
Happens more often than people realize...
David *********
@Dave ***************
actually if you die out of your home country anyone that is part of your family from your home country has more rights to it. Get a will made up in thailand and in your home country.
Dave ****************
@David ********
...I was referring to legal wills in Thailand ...which has no bearing to outside Thailand
David *********
@Dave ***************
but the will in thailand is useless without one in your home country stating that your Thai will is in existence.
Dave ****************
@David ********
the two different wills are separate and independent of each other . As a foreign will has no weight in Thailand ....thus whatever you own in Thailand has to be on a legal Thai will ..and in your country. You have must have a will to dispose of your estate there . You cannot leave your foreign owned assets in a Thai will ..as the Thai jurisdiction has no power in your country ..or the other way around . Maybe I am not understanding what your intention is ??
David *********
@Dave ***************
yes you are correct that Thailand can not control your home country asset distribution and vice versa.

But from my understanding is that thailand will reach out to your home country immediate family members for anyone to lay claim to your assets in thailand. Even if you have a will in thailand that says what is supposed to happen to them.

The few people I have talked to who have set up wills in country have been told to have a will in your home country to free any claim of assets you have in thailand, even if you have no assets in your home country. And that your home country will should be a part of and filed with your Thai will.
Garrett ***********
@Dave ********
You do realize that's not true at all right?
Ryan ******
@Garrett **********
Chill. It is true. I can't even remember how many clients I had from this same situation.
Dave ****************
@Garrett **********
you don't have to believe...just check with your lawyer
Mark ********
Doing a will is significantly easier
Gordon *********
What if you are not married but live together for 20 years would she able to have you burnt here
Edna *******
@Gordon ********
same thing, a will says it all.
Graham *********
@Edna ******
กะลาสี *****
If you've been together 20 years, I'm going to go out on a limb here and say she is the right one for you. FFS, just put a ring on it already.
Gordon *********
Steve *******
She'd only need your PIN!
Ryan ******
@Steve ******
We have helped clients whose spouse told them to do this, huge mess, some have been arrested before coming to us... not recommended.
Steve *******
@Ryan *****
I see you've fully recovered from having your sense of humour removed.
Ryan ******
@Steve ******
You would be surprised at how many people actually do this...
Martin *********
@Steve ******
don't be silly .she already has that .😎😎😎
Richard *******
I have put everything in my Thai wife's name in Thailand including three houses, three cars and the motorbikes. Only my wife's and Thai son's names appear in the house books. It takes a lot of trust on my part, but I would want all to go to my Thai wife and son once I am gone. No real estate in the US, but I do have ten vehicles who's titles are signed by me and are divided evenly between my other two boys from a previous marriage in the US. Hopefully I have covered my bases in both countries.
Graham *********
I have my pin hidden on my body be a HARD find lol
Edna *******
Edna *******
You bet, alive and well.
Graham *********
@Steve ******
thats tattooed on her arm just in case...
Edna *******
@Graham ********
well that’s dumb to announce that. Just tell the whole world why dontcha? Maybe you should carve it on the front door. By the way a really numb question, get a will now. You can print out a form, witness note rise easy peasy!!!! Also get a end of life document, meaning what you want, especially to avoid being a vegetable or in a coma for years, gives permission to pull the plug.
Graham *********
Graham *********
@Edna ******
ru 4 real..555
Edna *******
Sorry this is meant for Andy Oswald.
Andy ********
@Edna ******
apologies for asking such a dumb question.
Edna *******
@Andy *******
I’m in the US. Now it’s all over the world. Change your number today and post that you have.
Andy ********
@Edna ******
I gave no idea what you are talking about. What number?
Steve *******
@Andy *******
Dont worry about it. She thinks your PIN is tattooed on your wifes arm.
Lindsey **********
@Steve ******
thank you

I love it 🤣

I needed cheering up tonight

So happy I jumped on
Andy ********
@Lindsey *********
I am glad you got some joy from my impending demise. 😂😂😂.

I am glad I asked the question got some really good advice. Won't be booking the tattoo artist anytime soon though.
Lindsey **********
@Andy *******
So sorry Andy I hope it did not offend you

Northern girl humour
Andy ********
@Steve ******
thanks for clearing that up.
Phill ******
@Edna ******
, sarcasm edna .
Steve *******
@Edna ******
Whoosh! That's the sound of
's comnent flying over your head.
Graham *********
@Steve ******
oh yes 555
Edna *******
@Steve ******
sorry, I posted to the wrong person initially.
Greg ********
Be safe - make a will. Those without Thai spouse should too for any assets in Thailand they expect their family outside Thailand to get too.
Kool *******
I might be wrong, but I believe she would need a copy of the death certificate, and the marriage documents at the very least.
Phill ******
a joint bank account .
Graham *********
A lot of paper work
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