What changes are being proposed regarding online shopping taxation in Thailand?

April 19, 2024
5 months ago
Michael *******
Not visa related but just a heads up for those out there who are addicted to Lazada and other ecom sites. If you are like me and go there for those small things that we can find in local stores, some changes are afoot that will likely impact cost of buying on line. Govt is planning to remove the B2500 deminimus below which there is no duty or VAT on imports. The duty and VAT element may not turn out to be high for items with low value, but the cost of handling the customs charges will be passed on the customer (you) and this is a fixed price which could be as high as B1000 depending on carrier. So important to check when you buy whether it is being sourced outside Thailand and the expected total charges to avoid any nasty surprises. It may or may not happen, but this govt is quite keen to top up its tax coffers and this is an easy target, which will also help small thai business’s so a populist move.
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TLDR : Answer Summary
The Thai government is considering the removal of the B2500 deminimus threshold for imports, which currently exempts items below this value from duties and VAT. This change could lead to additional costs associated with customs handling fees, potentially affecting the prices of goods purchased online, particularly from platforms like Lazada and Shopee. Discussions among users suggest concerns about reliability and experiences with these e-commerce sites, along with a mix of opinions on the impacts of such tax changes on local businesses and consumers.
John ********
Can you provide a link to your information?
Michael *******
It’s been covered in various sections of the media , caught my eye because I spent 30 years in logistics industry fighting to increase deminimus values and reducing redtape
Inge ************************
One of the problems when looking for things in Thailand i one answer you get every time (no have or don't know) even when showing picture 🤣

I do look first at every small Shop before going online 🍻
Bill *********
I have almost always had good luck with them. Occasionally things are not what I expected but for the price it is what I should have expected 😂 you get what you pay for. But I can get many things at a good price I can't get in Isaan.
Steve *******
That will depend on the platform and their business model. If they are just the platform and not the supplier you are likely to be f**ked. If the platform is the seller the increase will be minimal as long as they include the charges in the sale. If they don’t and you use an express carrier (especially DHL) you will be seriously ripped off with all sorts of added fees and delays. If the seller offers post - and you can handle the increased risk of something vanishing intransit you’ll likely save the hassle.

There is also the chance they invoke a model where registered exporters settle directly with the government. That results in a slight increase but no delays and no added rip off fees from the express carriers.

Of course there’s also how the government implements it. Do they follow the Malaysian model (total chaos, stop/start/change your mind) or Singapore (generally sensible. Clearly communicated with a start date in consultation with the players?
Bob **********
I never order anything that ships from outside Thailand
Peter **********
The Dutch government did the same a year or something ago. I kept buying on Ali as the difference is just too big and after a month or so Ali started to bundle orders to reduce the basic per package handling fee.

I now store whatever I want in the cart or in a wish list and when it gets worthwhile I order the combined stuff. I do have to pay VAT but swiftly reclaim it as I have a tax registered company in Netherlands.

I don’t know yet how to handle this after my move to Thailand but guess I’ll figure it out soon enough.
Steve *******
@Peter *********
that wasn’t the Dutch. That was the entire EU. Per usual their comma with constant deadline changes. The rules had to accommodate excise items and personal under 22 euros. They could have done better. They weren’t the worst (Malaysia was) but they weren’t too awful at implementing it. End of the day this comes down to how the Eplatforms handle it
Michael ********
And again its changing because people got greedy and abused it and also no control by goverment
Steve *******
@Michael *******
nah. It’s fair. The small local businesses are being crushed by this stuff
Michael ********
@Steve ******
yes see that point. Main reason i think brought in was the duty free warehouses they have are uncontrolled
Michael ********
Thought was on orders of 1500 baht or less not 2500 baht
Christopher *************
Simple don't buy from them if not happy
Nongnuch ********
orders that come into Thailand from China are customs free, there are trade agreements between Thailand and China so far. I am ordeirng a lot of stuff on Lazada, and many things are being mailed straight from China. Thai customes have never been involved
Steve *******
@Nongnuch *******
they’re not VAT free. Agreements only apply to customs duty. Not VAT
Markus **********
@Nongnuch *******
china and Thailand has a free trade agreement but that is not the same that you don't have to pay duties and taxes.
Michael *******
@Nongnuch *******
it's changing and free trade agreement does not apply to VAT so beware - it's a heads up
Paul ********
Great news sooner it comes into force the better
David ******
I’ve tried ordering a few things a few different times and what a shtshow shopee and Lazada is. Amazon it is not. Stuff broken, items not as shown in videos, items not working, out of stock etc. never again. I’d love to use them but it’s unreliable as hell!
Jennifer ******
@David *****
it's almost impossible to return stuff bought on Amazon. Whereas Lazada offers free returns even if you don't like what you buy and have a change of mind. Just return it in original packaging and they refund no questions asked. I've had issues with some sellers but the Lazada CS is always helpful. And so far, I've never received broken items. Always check reviews and seller ratings before you buy, like Amazon. I even buy my houseplants from Lazada.
Mika ********
@David *****
I have used only Lazada and apart from a few issues ( which were promptly refunded ) I have found it to be very easy and problem free ( inc orders coming from outside Thailand )

So a totally different experience to the American
Tony *********
@David *****
that's very surprising to hear. I've been using Lazada for years without any problems. On a couple of occasions that I've had to return something that's faulty, no questions asked, refunded in a few days. Lazada as a policy will take the side of the customer and not the third party vendor if there is a dispute. The last time I returned quite a pricey item Lazada said as you have been a long-term customer we're not even going to bother to examine the goods first, we will refund you immediately. I can't fault them.
David ******
@Tony ********
definitely not mine. I tried to return the defective item and they told me I need to keep the item and they will replace it and it’s been a week already I’m waiting for them to ship. I said I would like a refund and they said no. I will just go to the stores next time.
Tony *********
@David *****
so go to the store and find out if you can get a refund for an item that can be replaced.
Gábor **********
@Tony ********
exactly my experience, even more, sometimes they refund and don't bother to return the item.
Heather *******
@David *****
I have ordered 100+ items from Lazada, only 2 have been faulty and were returned for a full refund so I think you have been very unlucky or I’m very fortunate

What does annoy me is the way sellers advertise the items. The picture shows the item you want but the price shows the cheapest ‘variation’ option
Suz *******
@David *****
which Amazon site do you use please I can never find one that delivers to HH
David ******
@Suz ******
I meant compared to when I was living in USA.

I believe they do deliver some items to Thailand.

Also, you can shop on Amazon UK to see if they will deliver?
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