The discussion focuses on the fluctuation of currency exchange rates in Thailand, particularly since December 2016. Users report significant changes, with GBP dropping from over 55 baht to approximately 42 baht, while AUD has also seen a decline, currently at 21.10 baht. Comparisons are made to previous rates, noting the increase in costs in tourist areas like Phuket during peak seasons. Opinions on the general increase in expenses and its impact on tourists and expatriates are also shared.
well , long gone times. When I bought our Isuzu 3.0 Liters Turbo Diesel Pickup, 850.000 THB were like 16.000.- Euros. The same car nowadays will cost me 31.000 Euros
Reply to
Greg ***********
Alex ******
Phuket in December/January is a joke, full of Russians and UK high rollers shooting prices of everything to the roof! Best time to come is February/March
I voted for the party I wanted to win. Not the parties I didn't want to win. But clearly 16 million people wanted open borders, higher taxes and bigger state control because that's what the Tories and labour offered 👍. I didn't vote for that because I don't believe it works 👍
ah another Reform voter perhaps? Lots of people like myself migrated from conservative to Labour. So far I’ll admit they’re struggling but the alternatives were worse.
like I said, I don't believe in open borders, high taxes and big state. Yes I voted for reform because if we keep voting for the same shit and expecting a different outcome.... What do they call that? 🤣🤣🤣
Reform is pie in the sky and is purely Nigel’s vanity project. We are already poorer because Farage fooled the public into voting Brexit so how on earth do you think him and his bunch of amateurs can possibly run a country. Yes the Tories did badly and Labour aren’t doing too well but the prospect of Reform coming anywhere near power is an even worse scenario.
because they believe in lower taxes, an actual border and small state, like I keep saying. Farage didn't cause brexit, the public did because they voted for it, just a shame we have had a load of socialists and idiots running the country that don't believe in taking responsibility for anything they do
let’s not rehash old ground but without Farage Brexit wouldn’t have happened. At the time I was ambiguous towards Brexit and I consciously abstained in the referendum but with hindsight it was never going to work and I would vote to remain. A soft Brexit would have been the best option but the Conservatives (definitely not socialists) were obsessed with the threat of UKIP or as it is now Reform which made a workable deal impossible.
nothing to do with the government. Caused by years of ridiculous high risk taking by banks and other financial companies
Reply to
Euan ********
Mark *********
Ive seen it change so much over the years ..when l first went to thailand 64 baht to pound so 6400 per one hundred pounds a days your lucky to get 4200 ..and its got exspensive in streets and bars everyone got greedy ..not the place it once was ..