What are the consequences of leaving Thailand without filing a 90-day report?

April 25, 2021
3 years ago
If I depart Thailand without filing my 90 day report, are there any other consequences apart from the 2,000 Baht fine?
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TLDR : Answer Summary
If you leave Thailand without filing your 90-day report, the primary consequence is a fine of 2,000 Baht, applicable if you are later required to report this at immigration upon re-entry. Although there are no additional formal penalties, your immigration record will reflect the late report, which may cause complications the next time you interact with immigration officials. Some users note that there may be a grace period for exiting the country, but confusion exists about the specifics. It's advised to keep the report slip out of your passport when departing to avoid unnecessary questioning.
Tod *********
And I think at this time
has about all the info he needs to know what's what.

Good Luck, take care, safe travels (y)
Andy ********
Here's one a bit left field. I agree with
about taking the current 90 day report slip out of passport to check in for the flight. How about then going to the desk that issues the re-entry permits and reporting there. It may just save a 2,000 Baht fine.
Tod *********
@Andy *******
close but no cigar :O

There is no 90 day reporting at airports, they don't fool with it at all because it doesn't matter to them if you EVER did one while you were here, they just stamp you in and out.
Bobby ********
Andy Oswald. You cannot do a 90-day report at the airport
Tod *********
@Kevin **********
, Face it, you won't be the first foreigner who did this and it's not the end of the world and it doesn't affect your ability to enter thailand at all


If you don't do your 90 day report (which is due BEFORE you fly out) when you do come back and go to do that 90 day report, they'll see your exit stamp was AFTER the due date of your previous report and fine you the 2000baht for failure to file on time. The fine is 2000 baht whether you're 8 days late or 8 months late so don't worry

AND you'll get a stamp like this in your passport
Wild ********
Kevin *************************
@Tod ********
Thanks, that's my concern answered, I'll just pay the fine
Tod *********
@Kevin **********
take the 90 day report receipt OUT of your passport when you go to stamp out of the country. Those low level passport stamping paper pushing offices at the airports don't have any authority to say word one about a late 90 day report but sometimes they lip off, so just keep it but don't have it in your passport
Daniel ************
on departure they never check and charge you - and no - if they do 2k - done
Bobby ********
Are you past the due date?
Jackie *****
Just don’t worry about it mate you are good to go have a safe trip and a safe flight
Bobby ********
Jackie Dee. His immigration record will show his last visit as being 92 days without a report. This is technically an infringement of his agreement. There is not one person here who can state categorically that he will or will not be fined. People are simply pointing out his situation. In all likelihood it might be waived, but there's no guarantee.
Kevin *************************
@Bobby *******
past due date this coming Thursday , returning to UK Saturday and no luck with App or website, haven't really got the spare time to do in person. I'm ok with the fine if that's the only repercussion
Bobby ********
Kevin O'Riordan. The online 90-day reporting is working again
Jackie *****
@Kevin **********
you don’t have to worry about a thing as there is a week grace period
Tod *********
You are confused
@Jackie ****
there is no week grace period <- meaning you can leave within a week of when it's due and it's okay IT IS NOT OKAY :(

The week "grace period" you're talking about is IF you're doing a report in person and you can do that from 15 days before down until 7 days AFTER your due date.
Kevin *************************
@Jackie ****
thanks, so I think I'll just need to pay the fine when need to visit immigration on my return to Thailand
Benjamin ******
@Kevin **********
You *MAY* be fined if you're here on an extension of stay and the next time you go to immigration.
Kevin *************************
@Benjamin *****
thanks , I think so too
Jackie *****
@Kevin **********
no actually you don’t mate because when you re enter Thailand the clock starts ticking from the day you enter the old 90 days is not valid anymore
Benjamin ******
To my knowledge, there is no consequences if you leave Thailand without filing a 90 day report.
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