What are some reputable cooking schools in Thailand that offer DTV and are worth the price?

Oct 7, 2024
9 days ago
Patrick **********
Does anyone know of reputable cooking schools that offer DTV? I looked at a couple schools in BKK, and I actually want to learn how to cook Thai food, and I also want to move to Thailand. I saw one school that offered a DTV-eligible 2 week cooking class for 40,000 baht. Is that reasonable?
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TLDR : Answer Summary
A user is seeking information on reputable cooking schools in Thailand, particularly those offering a DTV-eligible, two-week cooking class priced at 40,000 baht. Comments indicate concerns about the high cost, with advice to ensure the school has Ministry of Education registration, mention of Bangkok Cooking Academy as a successful option, and a suggestion to explore more affordable alternatives like Muay Thai training.
Stephan ***********
Seems quite expensive to me... the prices for cooking classes went up a lot since you can use it for DTV. You might consider Muay Thai... there was one guy in Bangkok who booked 20 hours within 2 month for about 6,700 Baht. I probably have the post somewhere...
Andi ***********
I have seen posts of success with Bangkok Cooking Academy.
John *******
Make sure they have MoE registration
Patrick **********
Patrick **********
John *******
@Patrick *********
Ministry of Education
Wannikea *********
What a racket 40K for a two week course, be careful
Patrick **********
@Wannikea ********
5-year visa!
Patrick **********
I don’t think you understand my question, but thanks for chiming in.
Wannikea *********
@Patrick *********
if the course qualifies through the consulate where the application is submitted. This is not a sign-up for anything and get a 5 year visa sale.
Gabriel ********
Why would u need a DTV for 2 weeks?
Sam ******
Cant you guys just go back to whining about tourists on Thaivisa?

Nobody cares what you think about the DTV.
Patrick **********
@Gabriel *******
I would use the DTV to stay in Thailand after the 2 weeks. 5-year, multiple entry visa.
Brian *********
@Patrick *********
people with 6 month courses are being told to do it on a tourist visa. I don’t know how they’d justify 2 weeks. The point of the visa is allow long term engagement with the priority cultural programs like cooking and Muay Thai etc
Gabriel ********
@Patrick *********
yeah I understand why you’d want it but it’s unclear to me why an inexpensive 2week course would qualify someone for the DTV
Stephan ***********
@Gabriel *******
Some people got the DTV for one (1) appointment at the dentist... 😁
Gabriel ********
@Stephan **********
I’ve been living in Thailand for a really long time and I’ve seen dozens of visa schemes come and go but this DTV takes the cake for most likely to be abused as well as most likely to be amended swiftly
Stephan ***********
@Gabriel *******
Yep... I totally agree... for years now they are talking about "quality tourists", and now they do this... that's unbelievable. About changing... the next fun will start in january... when the first people try to get an extension. Let's see what will happen... maybe the border bounce shops need more vans then... ;-)
Gabriel ********
@Stephan **********
you never know…current DTV holders may be lucky and get grandfathered in but I’d suspect the permissive nature of this visa will soon be tightened up
Stephan ***********
@Gabriel *******
Yep... we know where we live... some things never change, others can change quickly. Also the DTV was actually an idea from the old PM... for some politicians that would be reason enough to cancel it.