Is health insurance required to open a bank account at Bangkok Bank for a non-immigrant O visa?

November 23, 2023
10 months ago
Kyi ******
Does any one bank at Bangkok Bank?? I've heard that you have to buy Health Insurance if you want to bank there to get the non-immigrant O visa.
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TLDR : Answer Summary
Several community members confirmed that you do not need to purchase health insurance to open a bank account at Bangkok Bank. While some staff may attempt to sell insurance as an incentive, it is not a requirement. If you encounter such issues, it is advisable to politely refuse and consider visiting another branch or bank.
Steve **********
Uh uh, they ask if you want..politely say just 'no'...if problem go across st to another branch
Hans-Georg ******
That is the method of unsuccessful branch managers of some Bangkok Bank branches!
Kyi ******
Thank Guys, appreciate the input!
Kev **********
The staff con you. I purchased it and recently phoned head office who told me you don't need it.
Xr ***
Scam. Welcome to Thailand
Stuart ***********
I checked a few branches when I opened my account and all but one were insisting on the insurance. Luckily I found one that opened the account without.

If all the branches near you insist, see what the lowest price insurance you can get and decide if that's better than paying an agent.

Good luck.
Steve **********
@Stuart **********
never got insur from bank..have 4 accounts.

Be polite and say no, it's a commissionable option not a req.
Stuart ***********
@Steve *********
I have opened 3 accounts and also never bought the insurance, what is your point?

If none of the banks near him will open an account without insurance what should he do?
Steve **********
@Stuart **********
can't answer that. I haven't had prob. Nor any friend. An option is buying cheapest, I think about 3600 baht.

But not a requirement.
Stuart ***********
@Steve *********
which is exactly what I said.

I had about 7 or 8 banks that either completely refused or insisted on the insurance before I found 1 that would open without insurance, so it's not inconceivable he might hit that brick wall and have to compromise.

Nobody said it was a requirement ( it definitely is not) they are just effectively taking a sort of bribe.
Steve **********
@Stuart **********
well, not ' sort ' of bribe. An actual

But glad you found one.

Last 5 years. Many bank branches closing, staffs reduced...they still have same revenue, there's up to an hour or more Q, the service has gone down.

The days of ' we value your service are gone '.
Marty *********
I bought the 5,000 baht accident insurance from Kasikorn when I opened my account. A couple of months later I had an accident that sent me to the emergency room for some stitches. Kasikorn paid the 5,000 promptly. I’m glad I had it. The next year I upped it to 50,000 baht. Unfortunately they cut me off at 65 years old.
Christopher ***********
@Marty ********
I bought a 12 months Personal Accident Insurance policy from Bangkok Bank in 2017. It was only 3,000 baht. As I was under 65 at the time it covered moto accidents. Didn’t see the point in continuing when what I considered to be my highest risk activity is now excluded.
Rick *********
@Marty ********
insurance is just that! insurance!!
Terry **********
They're just trying it on. If they insist ask to speak to manager
Steve **********
@Terry *********
ah, try not to go over a thais head, saying 'no' politely should suffice...its a face thing
Terry **********
@Steve *********
I know about that but like I said if they insist then ask to see manager. They don't like losing face infront of manager. Losing face, is not a get out clause for everything.
Steve **********
@Terry *********
every employee is different. Never go above their head..just politely say no.

If pushback ( there won't, ) but go across st to another bank or branch of same. I find bkk good but do is kasikorn. Have 4 accounts asked at 1 about insur, said mai. chai, and cont with forms
Terry **********
@Steve *********
I appreciate your comments bud. I honestly think I've been out here long enough and got enough experience to deal with the wonderful people of Thailand without intentionally trying to upset them, wrt face, loss of.
Steve **********
@Terry *********
up to you.
Terry **********
@Steve *********
that's correct bud
Tim *********
I seem to have avoided their insurance blackmail, opening an account at the Charoen Krung branch in Bangkok in August
Wayne **********
I do, they will try and sell you insurance, just say no, you have it already
Carsten ************
It's never the Bank, who forces you to buy an insurance. It's the staff who want's to make some xtra money. Most banks are trying like that now. If it's only about 2000,- THB, just accept instead of paying some agent. Agents often ask for 5k for opening an account.
Steve **********
@Carsten ***********
no need to involve agent at all
Michael ********
Nope not needed
Steve *******
Yep, I have a BB account, no requirement to purchase insurance.
Steve **********
NO ! No requirement to buy insurance or anything to open an account.

Some employees, or officers may imply this as incentive to open, ( as commissioned ), but not a policy...just say NO.

Kyi ******
@Steve *********
thanks, good to know!
Roberto *********
Insurance not required
Brandon ************
Some branches will try to sell you an insurance policy when you request a bank account. It's up to you to decide if it's worth it or not in order to get an account, or continue looking for a different bank branch. Or use an agent that will likely cost about the same.
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