How easy is it to cancel my extension of stay (based on studying a university degree). Based in BKK so chaengwattana office. Does it take a long time? Lots of paperwork? Queue? Or is it more like a walk in and get it done thing? TIA
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TLDR : Answer Summary
To cancel your extension of stay based on studying at a university in Thailand, you need to take your school’s letter stating your last day of study, your passport, and any signed copies of relevant documents to the Chaengwattana immigration office. The process does not seem to take a long time, though this may vary depending on other factors such as the day and time of your visit.
the letter states that my last day of studying is sometime end of December but I actually already finished all courses and exams so i would like to cancel before. Would that pose any problems?
students at my uni generally has to border bounce to tide them over until they can get the degree after graduation. The uni can help by not putting in the registration of grades etc until last minute. But that practice is questionable at best..
be careful. If you already finished all your classes and exams, you are no longer studying, and therefor not eligible for the student visa extension anymore. As soon as you stop studying, which is generally when your final grade etc is entered in the unis system, you have to cancel the extension, as the reason for the extension no longer exists.
You risk being in overstay, regardless of what date in the future the stamp in your passport say you can stay.
Talk to the school ASAP and figure out what to do. I am myself doing a bachelor's in Bangkok, and this exact issue has burned several students when approaching immigration later.
thanks for your warning. I actually still am a student at the university, currently enrolled in my last semester which officially just started. I don't have all my grades yet and i haven't yet graduated. Through some coincidences though, i am in the situation that I don't have anything to do anymore for my degree after August 31. The semester ends on December 17. I have already a flight booked to leave the country on September 19. So I am certain that I won't have any trouble concerning my status as a student. I'm just wondering about cancelling my extension before actually graduating on paper.
immigration most likely will ask questions. But you can cancel it before time. And you are allowed to be a student on any kind of stamp/visa/extension. So just make sure to cancel it before you leave. Ask the school for an updated paper with your date of departure. Then 1-2 weeks before that go and cancel. They will cancel your stamp and make a new one valid until the end date mentioned in the paper from the school. That way you don't have to hurry with leaving. Amd if you dont cancel it you can gwt fined 20K baht in the future if trying to get another visa/extension in Thailand, for failing to cancel it.
Mikkel *******
You most likely will have to do a border bounce very soon. To get into Thailand on another stamp or visa that lets you stay until you can figure out another long term visa if needed. It's not possible to change the ED extension to anything else in country.
I'm not sure if they'll cancel it for you already. You may need to have the school write a new letter with a closer date. Generally you can only go about a week before the date on the letter.