How can my boyfriend convince Thai immigration he won't be working while studying online instead?

August 2, 2018
6 years ago
Tay ******
Advice from people not working:

My boyfriend doesn't plan to work while we live in Thailand for the next year. He has a lot saved up so doesn't need the income and wants to spend his time studying online instead. He seriously legitimately will not be working and therefore will not be doing anything illegal. But how can we convince immigration of that with him needing to do visa runs every 3 months?? They'll obviously think it looks suspicious.
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TLDR : Answer Summary
The post discusses concerns about how to convince Thai immigration that the boyfriend, who will not be working but studying online, can legally stay in Thailand without arousing suspicion during visa runs. Various suggestions are made, including applying for a METV (Multiple Entry Tourist Visa) for an extended stay, or considering other visa options like an education visa through martial arts classes like Muay Thai. It emphasizes the importance of having proof of sufficient funds, accommodation details, and onward travel plans to present if questioned.
Tod *********
And I think the O/P has the information they are looking for.
Breonna ********
My husband and I do visa runs and have never once been questioned. We both don't work and have been here almost a year!
Tod *********
that you haven't been questioned does NOT mean that no one is ever questioned. You're only going to be able to "live" in thailand on visa exempt and tourist visa entries for so long before you're called on the carpet by the officers at passport control when stamping back into the country.
Eva ***********
I had the same question and I found out that it is impossible to get METV. To get METV you have to provide employer's letter or certificate of self-employed. That guy doesn't have these documents, therefore officially he is unemployed. Nobody gives METV to unemployed persons, they don't give a shit how much money we have.

Elite visa would be solution but it is too expensive as it is necessary to pay 15k in advance and you have to prolong a visa anyway.
Tod *********
SOME consulates will issue the METV without a proof of employment letter based only on the bank statement.
Liam *****
METV is the way to go. 9 months legit stay in Thailand
Kevin *********
They will only ask questions if he writes something questionable for what he does here. Just put "tourist" or "sightseeing" or something simple like that. If you put "research" or "study" or things like that, they start to question if you should have an education visa. They are mostly concerned that you are not working and that you have the correct visa for the reason you claim to be here.
Michael *********
METV (from your home country)will give you 9 months if timed correctly & extended. following up with a SETV from a neighbouring country extended will give you 12 months stay.
Nitzan *****
You don't need to convince anyone unless and until they start asking questions, which won't be anytime soon. Just have proof of funds (cash!), residence/hotel, and onward flight ticket. Beyond that just tell the truth and he'll be fine.
Shawna ********
He could get a visa to study hand to hand combat
James ******
Best to contact the school direct to get pricing
James ******
Sam English the duration is the same as any education visa. The fee I can't say; I did it in 2015-2016 so not sure what the price is anymore. It was quite reasonable tho, considering you're getting a visa, and the better part of a year's muay Thai training as well
Nitzan *****
@James *****
Oh awesome! That would be perfect for me then.
James ******
@Nitzan ****
no set times, you can just rock up whenever they're open and whichever trainer was free, woukd for the session with you. As a visa student, there's a register you sign on arrival each time to record your attendance, for the benefit of when immigration come to check the school
Nitzan *****
@James *****
How long was each session? did you pick the day/time or it was set?
James ******
@Nitzan ****
I used to do 2 sessions/wk with Chakrit, but wasnt sure if it had changed since then
Nitzan *****
@James *****
Thanks. I'm not sure if it's the same because language classes are a minimum of 12 hours a week, but Chakrit website says minimum 2 days a week (not sure how many hours per lesson/day).
James ******
Nitzan Kon it's dependent on the immigration rules. There's a minimum no of hrs lessons you're meant to do a week, similar to the Thai language classes. Best to check the most up to date immi regs. Or contact the school direct and ask them prob best
James ******
I did it with Chakrit Muaythai in bangkok, off sukhumvit road
Nitzan *****
What's the minimum amount of hours per week for muay thai/hand-to-hand?
Tay ******
@James *****
That's great. He was considering starting some sort of martial arts. This could work out nicely.
James ******
He'd have to go x no of times a week, but it'd be a good workout, good break from studying, and still leave plenty of time for the studying. I did the same at one point
James ******
@Tay *****
you can get a visa to learn muay Thai
Tay ******
@Shawna *************
wow, thanks. will look into that
Shawna ********
@Tay *****
several of my friends did this here in Chiang Mai
Tay ******
for reals?? hed love that! really not interested in paying £500 to study Thai when we're only staying for a year
Patricia *******
Honestly as long as you got the proof of funds, and exit tickets after each of your tourist visas.. you'll be fine! i had this issue living there for two years, i never got questioned but my boyfriend did a few times.. just be able to show the money and have a ticket to leave whenever your visas expire! Also alternate with VOAs and tourist visas. it's what we did for 2 years.
Harry **************
Get a tourist visa in advance and he’ll be able to continue doing tourist visas in Laos- I’ve never been asked for proof of funds or anything like that.
Tay ******
:) long time no see. okay cool, thanks. we came to BKK a month ago on tourist visas so that sounds good. i got a job so will be switching to a Non-B soon, but just worried about his visa sitch
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