What are the best visa options for my Australian son to stay in Thailand for 6 months while studying online?

June 1, 2022
2 years ago
Tony *********

My 28 yo son is wanting to come to Thailand for 6 months ..study an on line course in Aust.

Will be basically staying with me ..or rent a small condo not far away

....what are the best options for a visa ...T.I.A.
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TLDR : Answer Summary
A user inquires about the best visa options for their 28-year-old Australian son who wants to stay in Thailand for 6 months while studying an online course. The community discusses various options, suggesting the Multi-Entry Tourist Visa (METV) as a feasible choice, allowing him to stay up to 270 days with 60-day renewals. There is also mention of the Working Holiday Visa, although the need for additional paperwork is noted. Some commenters question the necessity of living in Thailand while studying online, emphasizing that the visa chosen should reflect the nature of his stay.
Tod *********
Okay, let's keep in mind that the O/P's child is NOT coming here to study, they are coming here to LIVE while they study online which has nothing to actually do with the visa they'd get to be here.
Tony *********
Thanks to all of you

for your input and information.

M.E.T.V. seems the way to go

I shall turn off notifications ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š
Paul **********
He's not studying in Thailand, not paying into the Thai education system. I can't see any reason for the Thai government to give him a student visa.
Paul **********
If he's studying an online course why would he need to be in Thailand.? They will ask this fairly obvious question.
Tony *********
@Paul *********
Paul he's here to rest relax and spend a bit of time tripping around...

Whilst completing a course on line...
Paul **********
@Tony ********
I live in Thailand when I'm not working. I'm married to a Thai lady. I can't think of a better place.
Paul **********
@Tony ********
fair play to the guy. Go for it I say.
Ellie *******
As borders are opening and traveling around is getting easier, his best (or easiest) option may be Multi-Entry Tourist Visa. It is valid for 6 months to use the visa itself, he will be stamped in for 60days every time entering Thailand on this visa. He has to leave every 60days, but he can stay up to almost 270 days with this.
Wannikea *********
@Ellie ******
he can also extend each entry 30 days if I recall, giving him the need to only exit and re-enter thailand once.
Stephen ********
@Wannikea ********
but your way, you wouldn't get the nearly 270 days. If you leave on the last day and reenter, you'd only get nearly 240. I think ๐Ÿค”
Ellie *******
@Wannikea ********
, basically yes, most IOs let you apply for tourism extension once an entry. Still, I saw a few reports about that some IO allow you to apply for tourism extension only once per visa not every entry on METV. I cannot confirm either (which IO does like that or reports were fake), so I wouldn't say you can extend each entry for sure. Maybe you can ask your local immigration office about their policy.
Tony *********
@Ellie ******
Thanks Ellie

I will look into this ..the local I.O. is just 10min away ..... I'll pop in after the holiday
Wannikea *********
@Ellie ******
I have friends at the immigration office here, next time I'm in town I'll ask and give you the what I learn.
Tony *********
Yes he is Australian citizen

But I believe work permit required here plus paper work ..lots of
Bobby ********
Tony *********
@Bobby *******
Thanks for that.....didn't finish 3 years tertiary study ....just completed 7 yrs at the magistrates court ....he wants to complete his studies on line from here
Bobby ********
@Tony ********
Work Permit not required initially. Visa is good for 12 months, and it's multi-entry
Bobby ********
Is he Australian? Enquire about the Working Holiday Visa. That was he can work in Thailand if he wishes
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