How can I obtain a visa from the Thai embassy in Turkey, specifically in Ankara or Istanbul, given their unresponsiveness?

March 11, 2021
4 years ago
Calvin *********
Has anyone been able to obtain a visa from Thailand embassy in Turkey recently (ankara or istanbul)? Everyone says the first step is to contact the embassy. But so far they have been pretty unresponsive.
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TLDR : Answer Summary
The discussion revolves around difficulties in obtaining a visa from the Thai embassy in Turkey, with users sharing their experiences about unresponsiveness from the embassy and suggesting checking for online application options.
Steve *********
I have never been able to get a reply from the embassy or consulate. I believe you can apply online to Ankara.
Steve *********
Have you got a flight booked from Turkey though to Thailand? It might be worth getting the train up to Ankara whilst you still have time on your visa here in Turkey. I guess there are no guarantees the Albanian Embassy will be any better. Good luck.
Calvin *********
@Steve ********
yes. Thanks. I have a flight booked for late wednesday to bkk. My plan was to fly up to istanbul early wednsday and get my pcr test then fly straight to bkk from there by way of doha. That plan also included flying up to istanbul or ankara on a 1 day round trip earlier this week if need be. That is if they would have given me some kind of timely response earlier this week. but at this point its all way too much. Even if they had responded today i would have flown in next monday or even tuesday to get it sorted before my wednesday flight. But there was nothing again today. So im going to push back my ASQ hotel reservation and my BKK flight. Its just going to be easier for me then the continually not knowing what the hell is going on and stressing over long delayed responses. You are probably right about Albania, the only advantage is not stressing over time. Albania is still visa on arrival for me. So i can jist relax for 4-6 weeks while waiting for response.
Steve *********
@Calvin ********
that makes sense if you can change your flight. I tried a couple of years ago to get a visa through the Embassy in Ankara but it turned out easier to get a visa exemption in Thailand and then do a border run. Now with borders harder to cross I thought it may be easier to get a visa in Turkey before I go later in the year but maybe not! Take care and enjoy your travels.
Calvin *********
yea I tried to email both Istanbul and Ankara. they were very slow to reply to the emails but they did eventually reply. My new problem is that I registered for the COE made a mistake (was rejected) and tried to re-apply. On the second attempt, I never received my 6-digit confirmation code that I got on the first one. no matter how many times I re-enter the information. so I have no way to check the status. the only thing it says is that "your request is being considered". I thought the 6 digit code seemed like something that would be autogenerated. tried to call Ankara's phone number it seems like it just hangs up. so I had to send another email to Ankara asking if I have done everything correctly and if the 6 digit code is something comes later. so far of course no response. I think I'm going to give it to the end of the day but at some point, I have to make a decision and possibly just go to Albania for a month and apply from the Thai embassy in Albania, since I'm running out of time. my visa here in turkey expires next week.
Lisa ********************
Do they have online application? In UK you need to open a visa apication account via RTE website . Then complete visa application and COE, all online.
Calvin *********
yes I just now have the appropriate information from them. thanks for your response.
Rogerio ******
Have you tried going to the embassy?
Calvin *********
I'm currently in Izmir, Turkey. I am still willing to fly to either Istanbul or Ankara but I needed to make sure they would see me..... and wow. While I have literally been waiting a few days for response they both sent emailed me just now within the last couple minutes almost at the same time.
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