Has the process for applying for an Ed Visa changed to require applications from outside Thailand?

December 26, 2022
2 years ago
Mukul **********
For everyone who have applied for an Ed Visa, are you now being asked to get it done outside of Thailand?

I was doing a Visa with a gym in Muay Thai and had the appointment tomorrow (immigration)

They told me that because of some gangsters misusing the visa, they have now stopped giving Ed Visas from within Thailand.

Can anyone confirm?

I'm stressed as I don't know the process to apply it from a different country and everything is so unclear
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TLDR : Answer Summary
Many users are concerned that Ed Visas can no longer be obtained from within Thailand due to misuse and scrutiny, particularly linked to criminal activity. Comments suggest that applicants are advised to apply for their Ed Visa from outside Thailand, typically at a Thai consulate or embassy. There are varying experiences reported, with some users suggesting that it is possible under specific conditions, such as approval from recognized educational institutions. Additionally, there is mention of different regional practices and delays in processing.
Mike ****
Different states of Thailand have different rules apparently. The ones in Krabi seem to be all good I'm talking to a few gyms now.
Alistair **********
If you can get visa exemption, a border run might be your best option. You can get 45 days + 30 day ext. Hopefully the visa crackdown is resolved by then.
Adam **********
It seems the whole "Agency" Visas regardless of the Visa type is now under scrutiny.

I use a very well known agency for my marriage visa and they do my 90 day reports for me, normally I get the 90 day report back within 2-3 days but this time it has been 2 weeks and still nothing. Whenever I enquire they say that they are sorry and there is a delay due to the Chinese Mafia story.
Jeremy ********
I wonder if what they mean is you have to go to a Thai consulate/Embassy outside of Thailand to apply for it then it’s put in your passport at the consulate/embassy, this is how it’s always done…or maybe this is a new development
Azharuddin **********
Seen this yesterday
Mukul **********
damn. can you send the link to the article please?
Azharuddin **********
@Mukul *********
Sorry but unfortunately, I don’t have a link. It’s just the screenshot that was posted in some Bangkok group couple of days ago.
James ***************
Not sure about now but that was the rule prior to covid restrictions. You needed to apply from outside thailand. The school should provide you with all the required documents that you would take to a Thai consulate outside thailand such as Phnom Penh who have many agents to assist with your application, you pay a standard price that you would pay the Thai consulate with an add on for the agent. All this is above board, no under the table so stuff. If you want your application processed quickly you pay more. The consulate in phnom penh has a good website and you can check what docs are required for education visa. I have used the same agent for years - they are on the riverfront in phnom penh. If you would like to contact them let me know as i have on telegram app.
Stuart *********
Doubt you’ll have any joy applying for an Ed visa outside of Thailand unless it’s for an international school or university.

For the moment it appears Ed visas are “offline”.
Mukul **********
@Stuart ********
ahhh, i'm stressed
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