What are the requirements for a Covid visa extension in Phang-nga province, Thailand?

February 5, 2022
3 years ago
Katy ****************
Covid visa extension, Phang-nga province

We went to Phang-nga immigration yesterday, Friday. Our Visa "history" - 60 days from arrival, 30 day extension, and just received our first covid extension. No problems, very friendly and professional staff, 60 days granted, no 15 days consideration time. 1900 baht per person. 👍🏽🤩

List of everything we needed -

Passport plus one photocopy

One passport photo

Arrival card from plane

Copy of - insurance, covid vaccines, original Visa from arrival, departure flight details, print-out from hotel*, that they have registered us as staying there. I think most accommodation places do this, that's the what previous guest house told us.

*make sure to have address, and contact telephone number for hotel, if you don't have your own Thai mobile number.

Took 2 hours for 4 people. Mostly because there are quite a few repetitive forms to fill in. ✍🏽✍🏽✍🏽💪🏽☺️

Photocopy shop right beside immigration, 2 baht per copy. Good idea to have all copies ready before you go in, and matched up in each person's passport. 👍🏽 Don't know if passport photo printing available.

And the essential - she asked us why we wanted to stay? We started with "we would like to stay longer...".

"No, cannot do." She needed to hear us say, "we can't go back to our country because of covid", which we'd luckily read about in this group. We'd been advised to have a couple of screenshots of the bad covid status in our home country ready (which isn't hard to get unfortunately/luckily!?!) Didn't matter if not in English. However we were not asked for this.

Last tip - our Visa was due to expire on Sunday. We went yesterday, Friday, as we didn't want overstay. She kindly told us that when the Visa expires on a "holiday", coming on Monday is fine. Suggested we came back again on Monday, which would have given us three more days. But we'd paid 1500 baht for the return taxi from Khao Lak, so while we were there... 😄

Our 60 day Covid visa therefore started yesterday, no 15 days consideration.

Hope this helps other people with the process. 🙏🏼 See you all within 60 days for advice on getting a second covid extension 😆🇹🇭🤪
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TLDR : Answer Summary
The user shares their experience in obtaining a Covid visa extension in Phang-nga province, Thailand, highlighting a smooth process and friendly immigration staff. Key requirements included a passport with photocopies, a passport photo, an arrival card, proof of covid vaccination and insurance, departure flight details, and accommodation registration. The visa was granted for 60 days at a fee of 1900 baht. The user also notes the importance of stating the inability to return to their home country due to covid concerns when asked by the immigration officer. The post provides practical tips and information that could be helpful to others seeking a similar extension.
Nguyen ****
It’s still available for Covid visa in Phang Nga ?
Sascha **********
@An *******
no, they told me last week they don’t do them anymore
Rowena *****
2 of people i know got covid extenison 60days for 6000 baht. Dont know what happened to 1900.maybe they decided to raise the price
Jared **********
@Rowena ****
I’m assuming you mean 3000 each, the extension costs 1900 but some places charge more to scam some extra money
Rowena *****
@Jared *********
no its 6000 each person. Here in Pattaya. Both have work permit before covid. Have to know more about this
Гагин *********
@Rowena ****
covid visa after work permit? In Pattaya? Give me contact please
Jared **********
@Rowena ****
I got charged last year 3000 and found out it was a scam, but at least it was only 1100. 6000 is just absurd, more then triple the actual cost.
Rowena *****
@Jared *********
yes i think so too.. dont know what happened there but its sure not a scam,they went directly to immigration. In different days
Katy ****************
@Rowena ****
he's right, 1900 baht in Pai, Krabi, Phang-nga.

I read that one immigration office was banned from giving Visa's for a year after so many people complained about getting ripped off.
Rowena *****
@Katy ***************
i did that 1900 too..

For a yr.

Thats why im shocked to know this. Have to know more about whats goin on
Jared **********
@Rowena ****
it’s a 100% a scam, Covid extension costs 1900 baht any of the admins here will confirm that.
Elektra ****
So you mean that, despite the 'covid extension' was terminated from 25th January it can still be done?
Katy ****************
@Elektra ***
it wasn't terminated. They extended it til 25th March. But with some changes for longer-term visas.
Rowena *****
@Katy ***************
i dont know and im not sure what happened yet. But its directly to immigration
Rowena *****
@Katy ***************
2 friends of mine got 60days COVID VISA EXTENSION for 6000 baht. Its more pricey
Katy ****************
@Rowena ****
that's disgusting!!!! I hate the corruption here, it's the one thing that puts me off staying forever. 😞
Elektra ****
@Katy ***************
what do you mean with the changes for longer-term visas? I'm in a covid extension since March 2021 🙄
Katy ****************
@Elektra ***
I don't know the details, but as I understand it's those with retirement visa's etc. Yours is still a tourist visa no?
Elektra ****
@Katy ***************
no, I'm in a Covid extension since March 2021, so since I thought it wasn't going to be extended anymore, I've been trying to find out which other visa do now and if it is worthy
Niall ********
@Elektra ***
: the information I got from the Thaiger was that if you entered from a TR visa (I.e. with a certificate of entry rather than visa on arrival) then you can extend your current visa again by another 60 days. I was reading today to see if that’s the case because it was announced from a leaked document but was not released on the royal gazette which is considered a more legitimate source. The fact that our kind poster,
@Katy ***************
, has informed us that she got a covid extension only yesterday, gives me the information that I needed that they are indeed still issuing them up until March 25th, thank you very much for that info by the way.
Katy ****************
@Elektra ***
sorry I'm not of any more help there. But just out of interest, what visa did you have before your covid visa? And when does it expire? I have no idea you could get a covid extension for more than 60 days?
Elektra ****
@Katy ***************
two years ago I was working here
Mark ***************
Insurance and vaccine? For an extension? Never heard of it. Did somebody tell you that? Or it was really asked?
Katy ****************
@Mark **************
we were asked at the last 30 day extension. So took it this time. They kept the copies, so I assume they needed them? 🤔😄
Jared **********
I have to go next week for mine and was thinking of going to Surat Thani, except they were charging 3k last year for the Covid extensions. Might be a good excuse to head that direction for a few days, it’s good to see which places are in order.
Katy ****************
@Jared *********
hope it turns out good for you too! We love Khao Lak, so it worth the journey!
Jared **********
@Katy ***************
I did kho lak last year and I would go back, but I really want a larger chunk of time to see similan, surin, and phayam islands……and I already did about 6 weeks of southern island hopping last month
Katy ****************
@Jared *********
we're heading to Phayam on Saturday, first time. Can't wait! Any recommendations welcome 🙏🏼
Jared **********
@Katy ***************
I haven’t been to phayam but it’s on my list, I did islands in Satun, Trang, krabi, and phang gna
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