Can I change my Non B visa to a Non O visa without leaving Thailand, and can you recommend a reliable agent?

April 20, 2024
5 months ago
Niaz ********
Hi Folks … Could you please recommend a reliable agent who could help with changing my non B visa to non O visa quickly ?

Also question is can I do inside thailand without exiting the country ?

🙏 thanks in advance
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TLDR : Answer Summary
The consensus is that you cannot change a Non B visa to a Non O visa while remaining in Thailand; this change requires leaving the country. Recommendations for reliable agents for visa assistance were sought, though specific agents were not mentioned.
  • Go to the Retirement Visa Section for information on requirements, including age restrictions, financial requirements, and necessary documentation.
  • For immediate assistance, contact Thai Visa Centre directly via LINE at @ThaiVisaCentre or Email them.
  • Explore recent discussions by using the Non-O Retirement Visa tag in the search box at the top of the page.
  • Join the Thai Visa Advice Facebook Group to ask your questions, and get advice from others.
Christopher *************
The Thai visa centre
Will ************
You can’t change non-b to non-o in country you can change reason for extension for your second and subsequent extensions
Jan ******************
You can’t change a Non B visa to a Non O visa without leaving the country and re-enter on a visa exemption -if you’re entitled- or a tourist visa from a nearby embassy/consulate.

The process is quite straightforward if you can meet the general requirements and you’ll need at least 15 days left on your current stamp.
Jon ********
@Jan *****************
I changed mine from a non B to a non O without leaving the country
Jan ******************
@Jon *******
I know it’s been done, but the general feedbacks are that it’s very difficult/impossible to switch from one Non immigrant type to another inside the country.
Jon ********
@Jan *****************
not my experience. I was married so I switched it to a non O with a marriage extension. I don’t know if that made a difference
Jan ******************
@Jon *******
Did you use an agent? Where and when did you do this?
Jon ********
@Jan *****************
khon kaen. No agent. I have been told in pattaya marriage extensions are an issue these days
Jan ******************
@Jon *******
Ok, I got it, you just changed the extensions to based on marriage, you didn’t get a regular 90 days Non O visa in country first?
Jon ********
@Jan *****************
I had a non b for 5 years. I got married during that time period. When I quit working I had immigration convert it to a Non O. Did not have to leave the country. Did it all at the same time in khon kaen
Jan ******************
@Jon *******
Yes, extension of stay is different. You can’t change a visa type inside the country. (Only from tourist to Non O visa), but you can change the extension of stay based on work to extension of stay based on marriage.
Jon ********
@Jan *****************
that’s wrong. You need a Non O to get a marriage extension or a retirement extension and I did it in country
Jan ******************
@Jon *******
I think it might be some wires crossed here. You didn’t go from 5 years extension of stay based on a Non B to a 90 days Non O visa, but you changed your extension of stay based on Non B to extension of stay based on marriage, witch normally starts with a 90 days Non O visa, but since you already was on an extension of Stay based on Non B you just changed the reason of your extension at one point to an extension based on marriage. You didn’t get a whole new Non O visa first.
Jon ********
Jan ******************
@Jon *******
Maybe the next guy is able to explain it for you in an easier way…
Jon ********
@Jan *****************
nothing I can add. I did it. Good luck
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