property leasing

Showing 3 questions

This page displays all the results for the Property Leasing tag, sorted by the most recent activity. There are a total of 3 questions that have been tagged with Property Leasing. Explore the questions to find discussions and information relevant to this topic.
Oct 3, 2023
a year ago
Chris ****
Bank question - I recently wired in a sum for leasing property. Lease was signed but seller is ghosting me. Funds are still in my account. Because this was a long term lease the funds were designated specifically for this chanote. So…I’m told I CANNOT use the funds to lease other land. However I’d love to know if anyone has had a situation like this. I see two options;

1. Wire money back out (I will go to bank tomorrow and ask if there is any reason I cannot repatriate my funds).

2. Have the land office sign off on using the funds for another parcel.

Am I off base? And yes - I am discouraged to say the lease but Sabai Sabai.
Dec 21, 2022
2 years ago
Hi everyone! Hoping I can get some clarity on my upcoming trip to Thailand in February.. I will be looking for land or property to lease upon my return to use as an airbnb/accommodation as well as home for myself. It is my understanding that I can do this under a multiple entry tourist visa? Does anyone have experience with this, your help is greatly appreciated if you have any to offer 😊 thank you in advance!! Namaste
May 17, 2022
3 years ago
Bruce *********
This isn't anything else question. I have been presented with a great opportunity to buy a hostel right off of sukhumvit next to BTS Nana. Does anyone here have any experience owning a hostel or hotel in the area? I have some questions if you could possibly help out.
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