This is my first stroll thru this page in quite some time. I started reading the comments and I cannot wrap my head around why anyone feels compelled to sit at their keyboard lecturing people on what they should have done to solve their problems.
First off, how about a having little compassion? Or if you have nothing of value to add to the conversation, maybe just say nothing at all?
Just because your shit is sorted out does not give you the right to be a jackass to anyone. Especially one of the thousands of people who are doing their level best to resolve their problems. People are stranded without warning and are not aware of realistic options. People are afraid, hungry and in need of help and compassion.
And you sit there in your dirty bathrobe and decide it would be a good idea to kick them when they are down? Does it make you feel good to rain shit down on people who are already in it up to their necks?
So, good luck to you down the road, because the wheels of life go around in circles.
Second, unless you know someone's entire story, in intimate detail, how about just shutting the F up? Your condescending BS attitude is not helpful to anyone simply trying to find a workable solution.
Other people, due simply to unfortunate expiration dates on their visas are stuck in a state of limbo. We had our plans, we had what we thought was the proper preparations in place, I personally was all set to receive a work permit... only one problem, my sponsor company has been forced out of business by this ordeal So despite a long list of preparations all of it has flown out the window. And no one can tell me what my options are.
And please if you don;t know me or have inside knowledge of my situation, please keep your opinion in your mouth.