Why was my wealthy pensioner LTR visa under BOI in Thailand rejected after 4 months of waiting?

March 5, 2024
7 months ago
Shivani ********
Hi All

My wealthy pensioner LTR visa under BOI was rejected after almost 4 months of waiting. All supporting documents were provided. I am eligible for sure but now they have decided I don’t qualify. I called to ask them the reason and I was told even they don’t know as it was rejected by the Immigration. This makes no sense, and I am quite lost at this point. I had applied online by myself as it seemed straightforward.

Anyone has had a similar experience? Can I reapply?
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TLDR : Answer Summary
A user reported their wealthy pensioner Long-Term Residence (LTR) visa application under the Board of Investment (BOI) was rejected after four months, despite providing all required documents. They expressed frustration at the lack of clarity regarding the rejection rationale from immigration authorities and sought advice from the community on whether reapplication was possible and if others had experienced similar issues.
Dennis *********
Can you get tourist visa when you arrive in Thailand
Shivani ********
@Dennis ********
I can. But I am already in Thailand
Greg *********
Retire in cambodia on one year visa then extend.fly to Thailand and Vietnam on 30 day vacations.great life
Chris ****
It’s a good visa but requires due diligence. Did you offer to show ownership of property (title/deeds)? Did you get letters from your accountant and have them signed and stamped with a notary? I am guessing not - you likely got rejected not because you didn’t have what was required but because you didn’t make an effort to show the source of the documents accurately and get your financial team to add their names to the docs with signatures and license info.
Shivani ********
@Chris ***
I dont need investment in Thailand under this visa. One must show passive income through overseas bank statements. Which were provided in a format required - signed and stamped.All documents were checked by a lawyer before I submitted online
Rick ********
Look in government it is all about the money.

I don't care how much money you have and how smart you think you are. Pay an agent so everyone profits.
Frances ********
You did everything correctly but from what I’ve been told, nothing gets done without a visa agent. Save yourself the aggravation and stress; get an agent.
Marty *********
@Frances *******
I got my pensioner LTR myself by applying online from inside Thailand in October 2022. It was very easy. Much easier than assembling the documents for my previous OA 1 year extensions. I never used an agent for my 1 year extensions or my LTR. I can’t imagine what value an agent could offer.
Steve **********
@Frances *******
not true about agent

if you think all was right. Find out why.
Brandon ************
@Frances *******
LTR agents are incredibly expensive and add very little if any value to the process. The BOI makes all the decisions and determinations and you have direct access to them via phone and email.
Kev *********
@Frances *******
That's not the case Frances. I'm not an agent but I've helped with scores of successful applications both inbound and outbound.
Jim ********
@Frances *******
Absolutely poppycock! I know many people have obtained LTR without agent. I've been living in Thailand over 15 years, never once used an agent
Shivani ********
@Frances *******
thats the plan. heading there tomorrow. Though I was told for LTR visa it was best to apply online without an agent or a lawyer
Steve *************
Unfortunately TIT, and they can and do whatever they like, weather it’s within the written down rules or not, often it’s just a roll of the dice with Thailand.
John ******
Was your healthcare insurance a reliable company ?
Shivani ********
@John *****
from April in Thailand. met the trquirement
John ******
have a look t what you submitted and if you do not discover what you did wrong use a reliable visa company. I used concierge in pattaya. They will have a lot of experience now. Maybe they can tell you what you did wrong but first have a critical look , maybe together with a friend at the requirements and what you submitted. It can't be too difficult to find whta you did wrong. Just three requirements !!! i did it one and half year ago. No problem at all.
Marty *********
Do you have anything in your immigration history in Thailand that would be a red flag? I’m surprised they took 4 months to process your application. I’ve been seeing a lot of people post that they got approved in 1 month.

The BOI staff have been terrific to work with. The Immigration office across the hall though are just regular immigration officers. Did the Immigration office (not the BOI office)ask for additional information?
Shivani ********
@Marty ********
I have been here in Thailand for two years on a NON B visa and have no record or problems. I applied for LTR online and also visited them in the office across from immigration in Chanchuri square. BOI deals with all paperwork and we have nothing to with immigration directly. They did ask for additional documents and I provided them with everything on time.
Stuart ********
Why don’t you just enter country on tourist visa or visa on arrival if u are eligible and then apply for normal retirement visa in country with the 800k in Thai bank account.

To me it seems a simple answer to your problem 🤔
Shivani ********
@Stuart *******
because I cant work on a retirement visa. LTR allows you to work on your pensioner visa by issuing a digital work permit. Thats why I was keen as I run a consulting company and need to work
John **********
@Shivani *******
sounds like you are not retired so this could be the reason they refused you. Try applying for the one that allows you to work for a Thai company. If you have a non-b it must be associated with a company surely?
Chris ****
@Shivani *******
is your company registered in Thailand? Otherwise the LTR work permit wouldn’t work in this case. It has to be assigned to a business that is Thai.
Shivani ********
@Chris ***
Yes I just registered my company through a lawyer in Thailand. They issue LTR work permit on that
Stuart ********
@Shivani *******
oh ok.

I just read the word wealthy pensioner visa and normally wealthy people don’t need to work.

I live in Thailand I never use the word wealthy because I am not but I also do not need to work ever again and I am 49yrs old and will get the retirement visa in 6 months in country using the 800k in a bank account process.

Anyway good luck but like others have said Thailand has its own varying rules and they may just not want u living in Thailand and working.

With every year that passes there is more and more distaste for foreigners that are working even digitally in Thailand.

Perhaps another country would be a better fit for u.
Shivani ********
@Stuart *******
thank you. My consulting work is based here in Thailand. Hence I am here. I will figure a way out. I just didnt want to set up a company with 4 Thai employees as I work alone and dont need staff. And there is no way of getting a work permit easily to stay long term. Its just too complicated here I think.
Keil ******
Thai is so corrupt. Avoid at all cost. Except for holidays
Neil *********
contact Baan Thai immigration solutions best move you can make they will guide you.
Shivani ********
@Neil ********
thank you
Sue **********
Have you called the Immigration directly?
Rob **********
@Sue *********
the LTR visa is thru the BOI, no use calling immigration nothing to do with them at all.
Shivani ********
@Sue *********
BOI is an entity by themselves. Once you apply through BOI you only deal with them. they do visa and paperwork themselves.
Sue **********
@Shivani *******
well then its on them to go after and find the reason for the rejection they have the ressources and contacts needed. Just keep on asking, you have the right to know
Braulio *********
Mark ********
Go Philippines. Much more welcoming.
Daniel *****
@Mark *******
But who'd want to live there, hardly the same is it?
Ken ***********
@Mark *******
I like both Thailand and The Philippines but the countries are vary different.
John **********
I'm sure you can reapply but they must have given you some reason for the rejection ? Call the BOI and ask
Shivani ********
@John *********
i did call and I was told no reason has been given by the officer who rejected. They told me that for LTR visa they are not bound to give out information as it is all in the system. its been very frustrating.
John **********
@Shivani *******
I can only guess you don't meet the requirements in that case
Shivani ********
@John *********
I do meet the requirement. Thats why I am so confused. Anyways I plan to see a lawyer tomorrow
John **********
@Shivani *******
generally if you meet the requirements you get the visa. So I guess there's a misunderstanding on one side or the other
Frank ******
@John *********
no you just scored an official with shit on the liver.
Tonino *****
It is all up to them in Thailand. They have no fixed rules or laws. Up on their mood & will. 🙆‍♂️
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