What documents are required to prove passive income for the LTR Wealthy Pensioner visa application in Thailand?

August 27, 2024
a month ago
Brad *******
LTR Wealthy Pensioner question...

I am in the later stages of LTR online application.

I submitted 2023 tax return, income docs, and proof of insurance, etc. It seems like they accepted that and then asked for 2024 YTD income.

I uploaded the standard online SS letter showing 2024 monthly benefit (also a letter for pension monthly payment) and a July statement showing 2024 YTD dividends.

But now they are giving me this message in document uploads needed:

"Please provide evidence that you received passive income in your portfolio in 2024"

Not sure about the wording. I am guessing maybe they want to see my monthly SS etc deposits into my checking account?

That's 7 months Checking accnt stmts X many pages for pensions (and 7 months X five accounts for dividends).

They have a 25mb upload limit (and the rule is only upload one document per each BOI request).

They haven't responded on email or FB Messenger for three business days. Not answering calls at BOI.

Has anyone received this message and gotten clarification on what and how many docs one needs to submit to answer their request?
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TLDR : Answer Summary
A user is in the latter stages of applying for the LTR Wealthy Pensioner visa and has submitted several documents. They now face a request for more proof of passive income for the year 2024, prompting queries about what specific documentation is needed to satisfy the BOI's requirements. Comments suggest that clarification can often be obtained by directly calling the BOI, and that passive income is typically associated with investments.
Dennis *********
"passive income" normally means from Investments. i.e. stocks/securities, etc
Brandon ************
Every time I got stuck in the process, I called them and it got things moving again. If you have questions or it seems they haven't processed something you sent in with no reply in 3 days, I would call them.
Brad *******
@Brandon ***********
ok thanks. I've made a few calls to BOI number. No one seems to answer. Did you use the telephone number they list? Any time of day that they answered more frequently?
Brandon ************
@Brad ******
It's probably one of these two numbers. It was a long time ago when I got mine, but they used to have a pop-up on the website with 2 phone numbers, and since this also shows 2 numbers I assume it's the same.
Brad *******
@Brandon ***********
ok thanks. Getting no agent available recording. Maybe they are getting much busier now with expat income tax kicking in.
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