Which Thai banks can open accounts for visa-exempt tourists?

June 15, 2022
2 years ago
Anatoly ***********
Which Thai banks are keen to open a bank account and issue a card to a visa-exempt tourist? 🙏
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TLDR : Answer Summary
The discussion reveals that opening a bank account as a visa-exempt tourist in Thailand can be challenging due to various banks' policies. While it's technically legal for foreigners to open bank accounts without a long-term visa, actual experiences vary significantly by bank and branch. Many users suggest trying branches in tourist areas or those accustomed to international customers, such as near embassies or international schools. Specific banks like Bangkok Bank and Krungsri reportedly have been more accommodating. Requirements often include a passport, proof of residence, and may even involve fees for card issuance. Virtual debit cards can also be an option without needing a bank account.
Mickey ***********
I got one at krungsri but had a Thai friend help me to open in my name by giving 5000 baht to the manager
Patrik ********
No personal experience but you can get a local MasterCard Debit without opening a bank account from


They just confirmed by Line that the card is still available.
Paul ********

You gotta have an account with an ap - if for no other reason that Instant electronic payments are so common and popular here.
Nick ****************
You can get a virtual debit card. Google it.
Оливер *********
There are no banks in Thailand that are "keen" to open an account for ordenary farangs!
Ian *****
None are keen, but some BKK bank branches will help. Depends on the mgr.
Dana *******
For me, Bangkok Bank, Kao San Road branch, but only once I mentionned that I was in the proces to retire in Thailand. Good luck 🤞
Russell *******
Bangkok Bank ,Chang Rai opened very easily with letter of residence also very easy to obtain from Chang Rai immigration.

400 baht for ATM card

500 baht initial deposit.

500 baht letter of residence from immigration.

Andrew **********
@Russell ******
What was your objective, obtaining an ATM card?
Russell *******
@Andrew *********
no to open a bank account. The ATM card just came with the account if you want one
Neil *******
Bangkok bank worked for me, cost 200b for the card, they needed me to show visa printed out (i had TR60), TM30 and certificate of residence, and of course passport
Andrew **********
Here’s a follow-up question, does any Thai bank offer Visa or Mastercard pre-paid credit cards. For security reasons, I don’t want to use my debit or credit cards for online shopping.
Native ****************
@Andrew *********
Bangkok Bank has exactly that product and you can deposit the amount you want to have accessible on the Credit Cards which comes automatically in both Master and Visa... Hope this helps
Andrew **********
@Native ***************
Thanks. Your comment is very helpful.
Jennifer ******
@Andrew *********
You could try bank transfers or QR. Most have this option or if your worried about your card just have the card locked all the time unless you use it. Unlock, use and lock it back up.
Anatoly ***********
@Jennifer *****
can I have QR pay tool without Thai bank account?
Jennifer ******
@Anatoly **********
Not as far as I know. The QR is read via your banking app. Sorry.
Stuart *********
@Andrew *********
Some will offer you a visa/MC credit card with a spending limit determined by a deposit in a savings account that can’t be touched. Usually you’ll find it around 2:1. For example if you deposit 200k your spend limit on the card would be 100k.
Andrew **********
@Stuart ********
That was useful information. Thanks
Bobby ********
@Andrew *********
Pre-paid credit card sounds like an oxymoron. It's either pre-paid or it's credit - you can't have both
Maya *******
@Andrew *********
my card was expired while I was away so long from Thailand. But then k bank told me that I can use atm without card

Just with the app. And it works great

So I have not yet renewed my card
Andrew **********
@Maya ******
I use True Postpaid.
Andrew **********
@Maya ******
Yes, you can access your bank app from overseas. In so cases, you have to verify your identity via a email verification process.
Dana *******
@Andrew *********
For the App to work outside Thailand, do you need a Thai SIM card that also work outside Thailand ?
Andrew **********
@Dana ******
I had roaming activated from my service provider prior to traveling overseas. It was a live saver.
Dana *******
@Andrew *********
Do you have a prepaid or a postpaid Thai SIM ?
Andrew **********
@Dana ******
When I was stranded overseas during the pandemic, I kept my Thai SIM card active. I don’t believe you can connect to your bank app without an active Thai SIM card.
Maya *******
@Andrew *********
I know I been just asked about it.. I use it abroad no problem
Dana *******
@Maya ******
A side question : could you access the app. while you were out of Thailand ? (For example to just check your balance...).
Maya *******
@Dana ******
absolutely yes
Dana *******
@Maya ******
Thank you ! ;-)
Maya *******
@Dana ******
Stuart *********
Stock answer as asked many many times on here.

Classic Catch-22. You need a bank account for a long term visa but Bank Manager says you can’t open an account without a long term visa.

There is nothing in Thai law that prohibits a foreigner from opening a bank account - with or without a long term visa or work permit. That said each branch of each bank has its own rules and some won’t allow it yet some will. If one branch won’t allow it walk along to the next one. Try shopping mall branches, or ones close to an international school who are well used to people needing an account but have no long term visa.

If you’re in a major city or tourist centre then you’ll more likely have luck at some branch. Ask in a local Facebook group for that area who’s had success and what bank/branch. If you’re in the boondocks in Nakhon Si Nowhere then you may be out of luck.

Some banks/branches will ask you to take out a insurance policy to open an account. You may get away politely refusing, as they know it’s not mandatory, but probably won’t.

Some may want a “proof of residence” from an embassy or immigration. Again another classic Catch-22. A number of immigration offices will only issue this is if you’ve done a 90 day report, but you need a long term visa to have done a 90 day report. You may have better luck at your embassy, but don’t hold your breath.

Taking a Thai friend along may help in some instances, but no guarantee you’ll get an easier acceptance.

Perhaps show a wad of cash and say I need to deposit this somewhere. Again it may not help.

Unfortunately it’s just hit and miss.

Failing any luck yourself put a shout out for an agent to help. Generally visa agents offer a bank account opening service. Expect cost to be circa 5,000 baht.
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