What long-term visa options are available for a 48-year-old expat in Thailand with a pension under 65,000 THB?

September 24, 2024
3 days ago
Ivan ******
I have a pension but Im only 48 and its just under 65k tbt. (Damn Norwegian weak currency).

Huge cash deposits are out of the question.

Which visa would be suitable for me (long term stay) if I dont want to do the tourist visa/ exempt and border bounce?
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TLDR : Answer Summary
The individual, aged 48 and with a pension just under 65,000 THB, seeks long-term visa options in Thailand aside from tourist visas or border crossings. Suggestions from the community include the Digital Nomad or DTV visa as the best feasible option until they reach 50, as retirement visas require that age. Other recommendations include pursuing an education visa or considering marriage to a Thai national, which would afford lower financial requirements. Community members also advise the possibility of a multi-entry tourist visa to bridge the gap until retirement eligibility, along with exploring the combination method for retirement visa applications once eligible.
Andy **********
The new 5 year DTV visa, 5 year Thai privilege visa (very expensive) ED visa, or if you have already fallen in love, the marriage visa, there are other visas, if you have half Thai kids, or you want to start a business.
Nongnuch ********
Ivan Sara . . you only need to wait for two more years, you can bridge these with a "6-months multi entry Tourist visa" from the Thai Embassy Norway. And after you have turned 50, you could ask the embassy if the are willing to accept your application to a 90-days Non-Imm-O retirement visa, on the base of a "financial proof by the combination method". This method allows you to combine a mix of the income proof with a deposit proof. The sum of both must result in more than 800.000.- THB yearly. In Thailand on Immigration you would then need the income affidavit from the Norwegian Embassy and the Thai Bank "letter of guarantee" that proves your deposit. Why I say you must ask both Embassy and Immigration? Because not every Immigration allows the combination method in the first year. So you need to do your homework and mail your questions, find out about it and maybe chose the service of an agent to help you through the "legal" (!!) process of the "combination method" using your own income and savings
Michael ***********
You need to be 50 yrs old to get retirement visa. I think your only option is DTV if you can find something that suits you in that category. Maybe education visa. You could do multiple tourist visa or visa exemption to get yourself about 6 months then decide from there.
Andy **********
@Michael **********
Marrying a thai is quite literally an option, as the incomes/savings requirement is much less.
Michael ***********
@Andy *********
Correct. The exact option I'll be doing w/my Thai woman. ๐Ÿ˜‰
Andy **********
Marry a Thai.
Bart **************
Work two more years, your pension will be above 65k, and you're out of trouble.

Besides, 65k is not much to live off. They require it as a minimum, but it doesn't mean that you necessarily want the lifestyle that this amount restricts you to.
Menno *******
Stick it out for 2 more years
Heath ***********
Go back to work visa.
Jeffrey ************
Living In poverty here is not a good idea..
Carsten ************
@Jeffrey ***********
dumbest post of the day.
Jeffrey ************
@Carsten ***********
Why? Are you living in poverty as well.
Ivan ******
@Jeffrey ***********
I dont drink or chase hookers so Im saving a bundle right there.
Jo **********
@Ivan *****
then what do you do?
Ivan ******
@Jo *********
weightlifting, yoga, thai chi. Want to improve my massage and cooking skills.

I also do extreme sports, like snowmobiling and driving in thai traffic
Stephan ***********
@Ivan *****
Ignore him... with nearly 65k you are far (very far) away from "living in poverty" here.
Todd *********
@Ivan *****
just under 65k you will do fine. And if sure beats cost of living in Norway!!
Ivan ******
@Todd ********
everything beats the cost of Norway.

If I stay here Im screwed for life ๐Ÿ™„
Todd *********
@Ivan *****
I felt the same in Canada. But amazing here! Good luck
John **********
If you're under 50 none of the retirement options are available to you. If you can do soft power you might be able to get a DTV but other than that you may want to look at elite
Brandon ************
The DTV will probably be your best option, though you'll still have to do some border bounces. The only other real options are going to be Elite visa and education visa.
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