What challenges might I face with immigration in Thailand, especially regarding my marriage visa and my wife's whereabouts?

February 20, 2023
2 years ago
Terary **********
Just came back to Thailand from US through Suvarnabhumi. I have a long questionable visa history. Currently, I am on a marriage visa with reentry permit.

Immigration line was about 20 minutes.

Immigration officer started to give me the third degree about my visa history.. She wanted to know where I was going and where I lived, Pattaya in both cases. She wanted to know where my wife lives which I dont really know. I guessed Kon Kean but I am sure she doesn't live there. Then she called her supervisor over to yell at me.

They let me in, no problems. They told me to get my visa sorted out at the immigration office where I live.

Pays to be polite to the immigration officers.
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TLDR : Answer Summary
An individual returned to Thailand with a marriage visa and faced intense scrutiny from immigration officers regarding their questionable visa history. The officer inquired about their wife's location, which caused further complications since the individual was uncertain of the answer. Although entry was granted, the encounter indicated potential future challenges with immigration processes, especially regarding maintaining a marriage visa without clear knowledge of one's spouse's details and the necessity of being well-prepared for such interactions.
Rod **********
This might help the situation..a couple years ago my marriage broke up when my wife said she's leaving the marriage to go find herself..what!!! ..i said you live here darling..no no she said i need to go find myself...i think this is a new age of thinking or she's off her medication..why do i always get the shitting end of the stick
Rod **********
I've helped them out by filing a missing person's report on them at the local cop shop...he got a bit pissed of with me when I couldn't up give him any details about her...i did hear him say to another officer that i sounded like the lost village idiot..im lucky im not to thick skinned..otherwise i would have told him to go find himself..im expecting a phone call from your wife somewhere soon..every little bit helps..
Rod **********
Im a bit worried now after speaking with your wife. She doesn't know where she is either.

She met this guy somewhere,who didn't know where he lived either but he did have this neat party trick where he could turn water into wine after a couple of days this they woked up feeling like shit not knowing where the in fuc**ked they where, to clear their heads they smoked some dope and came up with this rather clever idea to put up wanted posters..find my location.

This is like trying to exit a Aldi store..just going around and around.

I reckon this information sorted helps..what do you all think ???
Jeff ********
Your wife is over here at the moment. Let me know when you get there I'll send her back.
Terary **********
@Jeff *******
Keep her!! Rent free!
Jeff ********
@Terary *********
no, she's been paying me. I'm a gigolo what can I say.
Rod **********
You don't where you wife is ???

Let it be known you just won 500,000 us she'll be coming a running 🏃‍♀️
Terary **********
@Rod *********
It's by design. I didn't know I was going to need to keep track of her. But I like your idea about how I could find her.
Rod **********
Your wife will soon find you along with her family and the rest of the village you didn't know existed..

Be afraid..very afraid and move up and live with the Eskimos
Rod **********
What have you been smoking man ??

Let me know when you're out of the psychiatrists hospital
Eric *******
You've got way too much time on your hands.
David ********
They all seem to be nomads when you return home for a few weeks 🌭💦
Durrant ********
anyone lnow where my wife is ????
Benyathip **********
You don't know where your wife lives?
Nontiya ***********
Mariage visa with reentry permit, they never ask any question to anyone. You are either a liar or an idiot.
Paul *******
Yes that's been my experience too. Only question might be something like "where are you going?" More out of curiosity than anything else.
Оливер *********
I think the OP is a master of bullshitzu ☝️
Paul **********
Niamh *********
Imagine not knowing where your spouse lives 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Charles ***********
"get your visa sorted out"

What do you mean? You're already on the correct visa, right? What extra did they ask you to do? (Not much you can do about your visa history)
Paul *******
Mate you cant be real.Dont know where your wife lives.get a divorce and make sure you change your visa quick smart.clever American.
Mitchell *******
I think your next entry will be even more dicey. 🤔
Jo **********
I wonder if the OP is joking with us by saying he does not know where is wife lives and he is going to Pattaya?
Terary **********
@Jo *********
She has told me once or twice. I couldn't pronounce and don't remember it... Can you pronounce every place in Thailand? And do you remember the ones you can't pronounce?
Marc ********
I think another troll post.

Called over the supervisor to yell at him?

I don't believe they would yell.

Dosn't know where his wife is located?

I don't believe it either.
Prieto ****
@Marc *******
I got yelled by supervisor too, which I requested to speak with...so that part at least is credible
Marc ********
@Prieto ***
Yeah ok you requested to speak with him. You didn't want to take the word of the normal IO. So supervisor was annoyed already. Totally different situation.

Before you say anything I don't justify him being rude to you at all.
Prieto ****
@Marc *******
that is what a supervisor is there for, to make sure the IO is doing his job correctly. Supervisor was a woman, she didn't even come near me, just came out a room yelling stuff from far away. The reality is they are untrained unprofesional people, neither the IO neither the supervisor were able to communicate, dude was asking me questions using google translate lol
Marc ********
@Prieto ***
Ok she was yelling because she was far away from you.

Totally different story again😅

I just don't believe they just yelled at him.

You can believe him of course.

Same as you can believe him not being aware of the location of his wife
Jo **********
@Marc *******
yeah I think so too.
Terary **********
@Jo *********
She lives in Thailand and I can talk to her in Line. We never argue!!!
Jo **********
@Terary *********
ok good to hear then it’s happy
Danny *************
You don't even know where your wife is from? I'm surprised you can find your way to work everyday, never mind Thailand.
Terary **********
@Danny ************
A) She is from Thailand. B) I work from home
Danny *************
@Terary *********
C) That doesn't explain why you don't know where your wife is
Tony *******
Sounds like they were doing their job well until they permitted you entry.
Frank **********
Your wife is here with me lolol.
Angeles *********
@Frank *********
how they get married if he don't know his wife's address?😁😁
Frank **********
@Angeles **********
I know. Tgat is pretty crazy.
Nishant ************
You should always be polite to everyone including the immigration officers, of course! I think that's what the buddha teaches us.
Barry **********
To get an extension based on marriage you have to draw a map how to get home but you don't know where she lives!!
Nathan ******
I got held up and questioned 2 years ago for about an hour and they not only wanted to know where my wife was, but had me call her so they could question her.
Paul *******
Why? Strange...
David **********
Sounds like a sham marriage for visa to them when you say you dont know where your wife lives. I'm amazed you got in at all.

Heading to pattaya, who cares where the wife is, this is comedy gold 🤣
Paulo **********
You arrived messy and come out clean , lucky you , be polite and be organised next time !
Steve *******
"She wanted to know where my wife lives which I dont really know." Holy crap, Dude. Seriously?
Talya *****
I suggest you find out where your wife lives before you go to immigration again lol
Erik *******
Translation : you just have been red flagged by the IO on their data system. Be prepared to be grilled by your local immigration office.
Paul *******
Not necessarily. Immigration grills arrivals all the time with no relationship to what might happen at an Immigration office.
Chris *****
@Erik ******
yes first step 😉
Russell *******
I am surprised they let you in if you told them you don't know where you wife lives . That is madness.
Nate ******
You don’t know where your wife lives? 😆
Braulio *********
@Nate *****
Can’t recall the name of her bar….555
Rory *******
Going to Pattaya and don’t know where your wife lives 🤣🤦🏻‍♂️
Paul ********
@Rory ******
Looking for new Wife
Wayne **********
@Rory ******
try beach rd
Steve *******
Isn’t it reasonable to understand that you were granted a marriage visa because you were married? Also once you are no longer married then that visa is no longer valid?
Brook ********
Good luck extending*that* visa.
Todd *********
@Steve ******
didn’t say he was no longer married…
Phil ********
You don't know where your wife lives? Strange marriage that one.
Paul ********
@Phil *******
Thai Style
Ross *******
@Phil *******
bet he knows the bar he met her at😉😍
Phil ********
@Phil *******
🙃 555

Andy **********
Might help if you knew where your wife was.
Brandon ************
It would be incredibly difficult for them to actually deny you entry with a marriage visa. Guess they were just in the mood to give you a hard time.
Jo **********
@Brandon ***********
he mentioned to the officer that he did not know where his wife lived! shocking. That could be enough to cause serious problems with an immigration officer.
Bob *******
@Jo *********
they could relate lol
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