What are the best Thai language schools in downtown Bangkok?

November 9, 2021
3 years ago
Hnin ***********
How to Pick the Right Thai Language School in Bangkok?

Which one do u recommend?

Must be Downtown area.
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TLDR : Answer Summary
This post discusses recommendations for Thai language schools in downtown Bangkok. Users prominently recommend Duke Language School for its serious approach to learning, while ALA is praised for its flexible online classes and comprehensive curriculum. Walen School and Modulo Language School are also mentioned as good options. There are varied opinions regarding the effectiveness of these schools, with some users suggesting alternative methods of learning Thai.
Kay ***********
@Modulo *****************
one of the best offering high quality thai class
Aaron ****************
They're all lame and teach you a style of Thai which only TV presenters use. Go hook up with a nice bar girl, learn some decent Thai.
Stan *******
@Aaron ***************
does Thai bar girl give Ed visa? I want thst option! Please assist!
Lee ************
@Stan ******
get a marriage visa instead ๐Ÿ˜‚
Stan *******
@Lee ***********
what fool comes to thsiland for marriage?
Bobby ********
Aaron Thomas Purser. "You take care me, I take care your money" ๐Ÿ˜†
Garrett ***********
Bangkok has a downtown?
Thiemo ****
Julian ********
Bobby ********
Agree with these guys above. I only did a trial but I was impressed with Duke. I will return once proper classroom lessons resume with no more chance of interruption. I hate online learning. I want the real thing. I'm on retirement visa so I don't have to fart around getting an ED visa
Michael ********
@Bobby *******
its got to be easier than doing on your own
Michael ********
@Bobby *******
same as me when it normalises want to go do lessons at duke
Bobby ********
Michael Dawson. Ok we'll do Duke when it re-opens. After lessons we'll have to see if we can find somewhere to have a beer in the Asok-Nana area ๐Ÿ˜†
Charles ********
I am attending ALA. It's in the trendy building Soi sukhumvit 13.

Class right now are online because of covid of course.

I am pleased with them. It's 2 hour classes Monday to Friday. And they typically have 2 class times to join. If you doing like an Ed visa package it's also unlimited so you can join extra class and repeat.

They use custom text books. It does move pretty fast, so to stay on top of vocabulary you definitely need some study time outside of class. The first 10 weeks focus on speaking, then 12 weeks on reading/writing, then they move to more advanced class I don't even understand yet.

You can ask to do a trial class to see what it is like before you enroll if you want.

Everyone recommends Duke, I did check them out too. They seem a little too intense for me. I wanted a bit more flexibility.
Brandon ************
Duke is widely known as the best for those serious about learning.

I guess it depends on what you mean by "right"
Michael ********
The best is Duke.

Look at reviews its easy enough
Darren *******
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