What are the best options for exporting my new Toyota Cross from Thailand to the UK?

June 3, 2023
a year ago
Vance *********
Hi all , Can any one suggest an agent to export my car to the UK . I have a brand new Toyota Cross . My circumstances have changed and need to be in the UK for the next 4 years . So i would like to ship it to UK rather than leave it here unused . Any suggestions please
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TLDR : Answer Summary
A user is seeking recommendations for an agent to export their new Toyota Cross to the UK due to changing circumstances. The discussion highlights various considerations, including the high costs of import duties, the differences in vehicle standards between Thailand and the UK, and the potential challenges of meeting UK safety and emissions regulations. Several comments suggest that selling the vehicle in Thailand might be a more financially sensible option, as the used car market in the UK offers lower prices with fewer complications.
Vance *********
Life does throw some curves occasionally, not the end of the world but hey ho.Thanks for all your input guys . Onwards and upwards eh
Yi ************
I'll buy it
Hakim ************
Don’t go that route. Not worth it with shipping cost and taxes imposed.
James **********
Does the car have a heater? Will you happy in the UK without one?
Mitchell *******
@James *********
, I kid you not. I JUST noticed this on my gf's car 2 hours ago. Split second later, "idiot, of course there is no heater. The country is a heater!"
Mitchell *******
I am not a car person at all, but I always wondered if they were made slightly different in different countries. Like radiator system, fuel additives, oil, emission standards, etc.

It might be more trouble than it's worth.
Steve *******
Sell it or garage it. More trouble than it's worth to export it to the UK.
Steve *******
@Mitchell ******
Different laws in different countries but you're right it would be more trouble than it's worth to export a car from Thailand to the UK.
James **********
Have you checked the price of the equivalent car in the UK? I think you will find it’s at least £7000 cheaper than what you paid in Thailand. Take that into concideration
Vance *********
The problem i have is that the car is only six weeks old and to sell it now i would take a hefty hit The cost of shipping to the uk is not much more than what i would loose on the sale and i would at least be able to use the thing in the uk plus i have to pay to store it here factor that in and it works out not too expensive to take it home
Hovvard ******
Drive home.
Vance *********
Steve *******
Dear god why?

After transport , import fees and whatever fees the British government imposes to certify it you will have spent enough to buy a decent used car in Britain
Gary ****
100% sell it. You'll get more for it in Thailand than the cost of the equivalent in UK. Import duties will be huge and it won't meet UK safety standards.
Ian *****
There's a few companies that can help with the simple stuff like indicator lenses , Speedo etc mainly for US imports so check them out. But potentially the biggest issue will be type approval and emissions compliance for the year of vehicle as Thailand way behind Europe. May (will) need to get it through a single vehicle approval route.

Seems like a lot of effort and cost when used car values in UK are low.
Michael ********
Second hand market is good value in UK. I would sell here at higher cost and buy in UK.

Also not sure what regulations about emissions are UK maybe modifications to make
John ********
More trouble than it's worth better to sale it than buy in the UK
John ********
@Giorgio *****
better to buy a new one in the uk
Giorgio ******
Giorgio ******
@John *******
do you mean " better to SELL it THEN ..." or something else ????
Giorgio ******
@Steve ******
looks like you didn't get it ...... at all .... so just drop it ......
Steve *******
@Giorgio *****
Get what? Drop what? Giorgio it's back to school on Monday for more English lessons for you!
James **********
I would sell it and buy another one in the UK
เจสัน ******
Apart from Import duties, etc have you researched type approval for use etc in the UK? (Certificate of Conformity)

The Speedo will be in KMH, the indicators on the wrong side etc.

Good luck to you.
Phil ********
@Jay ********
Intersting. I drive a LHD Hilux in Greenland and the indicators are on the left. My RHD Hilux in Thailand has indicators on the right.
Tony *********
@Jay ********
They drive on the same side ?

I don't understand what you mean indicators on wrong side? .

Here in Australia we have cars with indicators levers on the left and cars that have them on the right .
เจสัน ******
@Tony ********
It's not about driving on the left (or right for that matter).

UK Type approval Certificate of Conformity....Indicators on the left of the column for new UK spec cars, Speedos in MPH, stricter emmision controls etc.

(Originally when Japanese card were imported to the UK; 50+ years ago, they had indicators on the right).

Each country has its own Type Approval Certificate of Conformity including Australia. 🙂
Vance *********
@Jay ********
thanks I will be looking into that , I am just seeking alternatives at the moment
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