If you become a Thai citizen what advantages do you get. Are things cheaper for you ? Is medical insurance require? What about auto insurance?
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TLDR : Answer Summary
Becoming a Thai citizen offers several advantages, including the ability to own property, unlimited residency without visa concerns, and potential Thai pricing at various venues. While medical insurance is not explicitly required for citizenship, being a citizen can influence health insurance options. Ownership of a vehicle does not entail dual pricing for auto insurance. However, acquiring Thai citizenship is often seen as very difficult, especially for expats who may not meet specific criteria such as age, work, and tax contributions in Thailand.
No need to do a TM30, TM47 or seek a re-entry permit
Can stay indefinitely
Can work in any profession, no need for a work permit, no need to hire 4 Thai nationals if operating a business
Right to own land and property. No need to bring in money from abroad for purchasing a condo. Can freely purchase houses with land
Thai pricing at national parks and other dual pricing venues
Thai pricing at public hospitals
Nick *******
Forget It
Jo ****
Just come and give them you hard earned dosh as that's all they want.
John ********
So sorry but it's not going to happen your over 50 now and having not been working in Thailand for the last 10 years or even paid taxes in Thailand you can forget about it
clearly you are clueless because I checked the requirements. It depends on whether you work in Thailand, how long and whether you pay taxes. Age is less of a consideration. 50 is the best age to apply as they don't hand out citizenship as easily if you're only say 25 or 30.
yes if he has been working in Thailand But as far as I can see he has not been
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John ********
Paul *******
So what if he's over 50? It's actually easier to get Thai citizenship if you're a bit older compared with being under 40. More important factors include: working in Thailand, paying tax, speaking and reading/writing the language and being married to a Thai citizen.
There is rules for becoming a thai citizen and he is to old
Or he is just not giving us all of he's information about him self. Ie he's been working here in Thailand and has paid tax and speaks thai with a thai wife
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John ********
Transitvan ******
ı have motobike licence. ı can pay museum tickets like a thai people.. :))
Gordon *********
Dream on
Stephen ************
You have more chance platting fog than getting a Thai Citizenship unless you are a millionaire in your own country even then you probably wouldn’t want Thai Citizenship anyway 🙄
Paul *******
What nonsense. If you're living in Thailand permanently or intend to do so, love the country and want to remain here, then getting citizenship would be highly desirable. Problem is its not an easy process and few qualify.
just this one and you are welcome to search through all of michael ganzimillers posts there are well over 100 of them and it wouldnt be hard to work out he is not eligible for Thai citizenship. I was trying to save him the hassle of going down this route
I used to be an admin of the group even started the ganzimiller thread as he has posted the most questions ever in the group.
So i am aware of his age, his marital status the fact he has never worked in Thailand and paid taxes. They are just three of the things that would stop him applying for citizenship.
As for finances apart from extra points for monthly salary being above a certain amount doesnt make any difference. Seems like you dont know the requirements either.
even condos can be iffy because the building has to be registered under the condo act and has to have foreigner allocation. Not every building has both of those.