What advice is there for expats flying into Thailand today?

September 12, 2024
11 days ago
Cen ******
Flying in today. Any advice? I'm buying a onward ticket. Using bolt for a ride.
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TLDR : Answer Summary
The post is a request for advice from someone flying into Thailand. The comments provide various tips including efficient ways to navigate immigration, reminders to respect local culture, endorsement of taxi ride apps like Grab, and suggestions on what to wear and do upon arrival.
Sheen ************
Duncanc **********
Don’t do the elephant pants
Ralph *******
@Duncanc *********
Yes. Get the elephant shorts instead🤣
Mike *******
Flying into where? (Thailand has several international airports) First advice, figure out where you are landing!
Ralph *******
What sort of advice do you need?
Cen ******
@Ralph ******
places to eat or not. Areas to stay. What to do and not do
Peter **********
Bo ********
Onward ticket, so you’re staying here a while?? Get out of Bangkok….😂😂
Tim *******
Shower before getting on the flight, clean clothes and no perfume or cologne.
Nick ************
Check the stamp in your passport is correct before leaving immigration. Go to departures to get a taxi. Good luck from there.
Nigel **************
@Nick ***********
yep a crucial piece of advice
Dennis ******
@Nick ***********
or install Grab 👍🏾
Nick ************
@Dennis *****
I use grab but they have let me down a few times.
Dennis ******
@Nick ***********
only problem I had was trying to get one when I was a bit far away from the city. Otherwise I've been very happy.
Brunt *******
Don't forget the walking street 😂..go alone you will be surprised...
Greg ********
@Brunt ******
solid advice right there mate
Tore *********
I recommend you to research about Thailand.
David *********
When you get to the front of the queue at immigration make sure your passport and boarding pass is at the bottom of your bag and be on your phone as loud as possible
Damien ********
Go to the nearest ladyboy bar and live the dream

U know that’s what u want reallly
Cen ******
@Damien *******
why are you obsessed with them?
Dennis ******
Bit late for advice ... generally, be flexible, be patient, don't complain, don't worry, don't compare ANYTHING with the US ... respect the people and their culture ... everything is better here ... everything!

Same as every other place on the planet.
Marky *******
Bob **********
Up to you
James *******
Make sure you stand up as soon as the plane has landed and make your way towards the front of it. This will ensure you get off quicker. Once off the plane walk with purpose and as quickly as possible following the signs for immigration. Make sure you don't run as you need to look like you're not bothered about the vital 5 seconds. Once immigration is complete go to the baggage reclaim belt and wait with all the other people from your flight for your luggage to arrive.
Ian *********
@James ******
don’t do that, wait your turn to get off the plane. First class gets off first.
Christopher *************
@Ian ********
exactly i never let people that are behind me get off before me they can FO
James *******
@Ian ********
you are clearly not an expert like myself.
Marc ********
@James ******
You are the people standing up and blocking the way immediately after the plane has landed. Doors not even open gate not even connected but you stand there like 15 minutes🙄

You are the reason for non smooth disembarging and yet you promote the bad behaviour
James *******
@Marc *******
Another one you guys might like is when storing your overhead luggage don't store it above yourself, store it further down the plane towards the front, this way you are claiming dominance over the passengers in the storage section and also allowing a ‘free run’ down from your seat to the luggage area. At this point you are pretty much running the aisle, however to be safe, during the flight make as many trips as possible to your luggage (take your time rummaging through your belongings) but on these visits make sure you "inadvertently " nudge the back of as many head rests as possible, which again, will assert your dominance and at the same time prevent the other passengers getting a good rest - ideal as they are your disembarking competitors come landing. If you are worried about nudging the back of the head rest, don't be, pretend you are unsteady on your feet due to turbulence or disabled; also leaving your seat as soon as the drinks cart is coming aids any issues here as that creates all sorts of anxiety all round and once again asserts an unconscious dominance. These people won't be messing with you come landing, they want you out of their lives ASAP. Let me know if you need anymore travel hacks.
Greg ********
@James ******
All great ideas.. I also like to recline my seat into the face of the passengers behind me. I love hearing the gasps
James *******
@Greg *******
when they have just received a hot drink or meal adds to the fun.
Ian *********
You are funny I’ll give you that.
Ian *********
@James ******
why not be an expert in something that allows you to afford first class, then you can get off the plane first 😂
James *******
@Ian ********
I do take business class sometimes but the price difference isn't really worth it. Shame to waste my travel skill set too, you know all those little tricks i've built up over the years.
Bo ********
@James ******
literally 100x out of 100x
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