Is it permissible to bring home-canned salmon without a label into Thailand?

March 10, 2024
6 months ago
Keith ********
Has anyone brought cannned salmon into Thailand , This is home canned salmon no label on tin . Reason : To bring for family
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TLDR : Answer Summary
The discussion centers around the feasibility of bringing home-canned, unlabeled salmon into Thailand. Several users report having done so successfully in the past, but some express concerns about customs scrutiny due to the lack of labeling. Various opinions highlight that while small amounts might be permissible as gifts for family and friends, bringing in larger quantities could raise suspicions and potentially lead to confiscation by customs. The general consensus suggests caution and preparation for potential questioning by customs officials.
James *******
I bet they are excited about your arrival with such gifts in the pipeline.
Geoff **********
Can’t you buy salmon in Thailand
Raymond ******************
Can try,

But if got confisticated, then juat let it go
Stephen ***********
This whole thing seems a bit fishy to me
Keith ********
@Stephen **********
the fishy part is when they bite the line and you bring them in 😂😂
Terary **********
I have never been checked. I read somewhere they only check if, you volunteer, they've been tipped, you're obviously bringing in more than your quota (6 gold watch, 1 wrist). I don't know how true it is. The only time I have seen people getting check are those people who travel with 12 suite case, ( I didn't say Indian, I am sure other people do it too)
Mark ********
Ive been visiting Thailand every year since 2006. Brought in heaps of stuff never been looked at by customs or anyone. Never had my bags x-rayed as the guys on the desk are usually sleeping. Fill ya boots! Bring ya salmon in!
Henrik *****
There can happend a lot from the bag-drop until the pick-up.

Could it be, that your luggage get scanned there ?

Tryed it, and was called by the airport speakers to come to the information,

And the same happend at the arrival airport.
John **********
I think the issue as mentioned is "unlabled". Going the other way into the US the FDA and Customs just wouldn't let it happen. IMHO
Keith ********
@John *********
yes , working on that
John **********
Steve *******
I would not bring 35 tins. That’s beyond “gift”. A few gift cans should not be an issue
Keith ********
@Steve ******
yes , gifts , 4 family members , 3 friends and the temple we go to do meditation,oh yes , a few for ourselves 🙏😃🙏
Steve *******
@Keith *******
you can bring them but be prepared if you’re flagged to do explaining. It’s basically a crap shoot and up to the officer
Stephen ***********
This sounds like the beginning of an episode of Banged Up Abroad!
Phil *******
Sounds like a great drug smuggling method.
Jacqueline *************
Yes, I often let friends take it with me...I miss those cans of salmon, they are so tasty.
Kev **********
Do you think it is perhaps ok for anyone to bring containers unlabeled across any border without the customs getting curious if they spot them? Why do it?
Jeffrey ************
I bring it every time...
Michael **********
it should be labeled and in a reasonable amount. 35 tins of unlabeled stuff would surely get you some troubles if you get stopped by the custom
Jackie ********
Yes i have several times all good.
Durrant ********
@Jackie *******
why did you take the labels off ???
Jackie ********
@Durrant *******
i didn't haha
Durrant ********
@Keith *******
I suggest the ones that said yes the cans had labels on. Your cans dont have labels and they will be seized thats common sense. You dont think they will take your word do you ???
Frank **********
You might have a problem if there isn't a label on it, as they have nothing to look at but a tin. A label would make it look more believable. However, this is just my opinion.
Keith ********
@Frank *********
yes , losing the salmon at the airport not a big deal , we are more worried about a penalty, thinking of inquiring about a permit, we would like to bring in at least once a year
Frank **********
@Keith *******
I understand. Good luck.
Jeffrey **********
Yes, I brought in several cans several times without any issue. However that was 10-15 years ago
Keith ********
@Jeffrey *********
we would like to bring lots , say 35 tins
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