How should I fill out my Burmese name on the e-visa application form?

Oct 15, 2024
4 days ago
Kaita *********
Hi, so I’m trying to apply for e-visa (DTV) in Phnom Penh, and having a bit of trouble filling out the name field.

In the personal information section, the form asks for first, middle and last name. My name is three words but I don’t have specific first, middle, last. I’m worried that if I separate them, it’ll come out all wrong and will have problems at immigration.

Do you have any suggestions for filling out Burmese names in those fields? Please advise.
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TLDR : Answer Summary
When applying for an e-visa as a Burmese national, it's important to accurately fill out the name fields according to your passport. Generally, for Burmese names without surnames, you would list your given name (first and middle) in the 'Given Name' field and the last part of your name as the surname. If only one name is present, leave the 'Given Name' blank and place your name in the 'Surname' field. Additionally, avoid using any special characters or honorifics in the name fields.
Henrik *****
Look at the machineReadable field at the bottom of the picturepage, that is the way you should be writing it on the application.

Check the website of the Embassy of choice, there may be very specific instructions found there.

If still in doubt ask the Embassy you will apply at, BEFORE making the application.

You get it wrong, the visa will be rejected, and the fee is lost.
Dca *****
Burmese people do not generally have surnames. How should I enter my name on the application form?

1.) Example: Hla Hla Kyi

The Given Name should be listed as "Hla Hla"

The Surname should be listed as "Kyi"

2.) Example: Min Soe

The Given Name should be listed as "Min"

The Surname should be listed as "Soe"

What about honorifics like "U" and "Daw"?

3.) Example: U Myint Oo

The Given Name should be listed as "U Myint"

The Surname should be listed as "Oo"

4.) Example: Daw Hla Hla Kyi

The Given Name should be listed as "Daw Hla Hla"

The Surname should be listed as "Kyi"

I only have one name. How should I enter that name?

5.) Example: Zarni

The Given Name should be [blank]

The Surname should be listed as "Zarni"

What about professional titles that include a period? There can be no special characters used in the name, including periods.

6.) Example: Dr. Win Min Aung

The Given Name should be listed as "Dr Win Min" (note the period is removed after "Dr")

The Surname should be listed as "Aung"
Kaita *********
@Dca ****
Thanks. I decided to go with this guide.
Paul *******
@Dca ****
Dr should never be part of a name. In the last example, technically, you could say Win is the first name, Min the middle name and Aung the last name.
Dca *****
@Paul ******
Yes, it shouldn't be included in passport names, but, unfortunately, there are quite a few Myanmar passports that do include Dr. !
Christopher *********
It exactly like passport
Stephan ***********
@Christopher ********
"yeah, the end is the sur name the beginning is the first name. Just like everywhere else in the world lol", right?

Maybe you should check the facts first, before you try to lecture others?
Christopher *********
@Stephan **********
bro the embassy doesn't look at wiki.

Embassy clarified what they want as first and last name.

Why are you mad at me?
Mason *******
Write it how it appears in your passport.