Does it rain every day in Thailand during August?

September 14, 2024
9 days ago
Michael ***********
Traveling to Thailand on August.

I understand it's the rainy season.

Does it rain every day?
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TLDR : Answer Summary
The rainy season in Thailand, particularly in August, varies greatly depending on the region. While some areas may experience frequent rain, others may be relatively dry. For instance, Phuket may have more consistent rainfall, while regions north of Phuket, like Hua Hin, could see less rain. Generally, rain may not occur every day, and when it does, it often comes in short bursts rather than all-day showers. Visitors should consider checking specific weather patterns for their planned locations and be prepared for sudden changes in weather.
Henrik *****
Scroll through Thailand groups and what havoc the weather does in the rainy season.
Michael ***********
Thank you for all the advice.

Will be heading to Thiland .

Rainy season is cheaper to go.
James *********
@Michael **********
James *********
@Michael **********
Nigel **************
August next year?
Bart **************
Well, yes. Not the whole day, but you can't expect many days without rain. If you would prefer holidaying without rain, then there are better months than August.

By the way, Bali and the rest of south Indonesia have the rain and dry season reversed. Those are below the equator.
James *********
Yes, stay home
Michael ***********
Vijay *****
When does rainfall slow down in Phuket?
Chris *********************
1st day in a week it hasn't rained today, Chainart province.
Gianni ******
i can confirm you that the august of the year that you will visit cnx, it will definitely rain every day and in fact every hour
Bill **********
September and October are usually the wettest months .December and January are dry and it's the coolest time .Mind you ,anything below 30° is regarded as cool here .
Tim ********
August 14-17 should be sunny. Plan around then.
Sarinya **********
Not everyday and not all day and depends which area u live 😉
Jo **********
It’s September
Jeffrey **********
Most days yes. But usually very short-lived like 5 to 10 minutes. Usually in the evening or at night
Arnold **********
Where in September now
Dava ***********
Sometimes it does. Could be a short sprinkle, could be a downpour. 🌧️
David ********
Why do you ask this question? Is it related to something else you need to know? Like clothes to bring or do l need a car? Rain is here all the time depends on where you are and how you deal with it. It can rain so heavy but stop in 10 minutes. I never let rain worry me if you get wet you are dry pretty quick.just be adaptable. You may be late for meeting just sit in a coffee shop until rain stops .
Michael ***********
Let me clarify. I fully understand that August is a rainy season I get that" I don't want to visit if the weather is constantly raining.

Maybe go in September.

Just need some advice
Henrik *****
Go in the high season.
David ********
@Michael **********
Come late May, monsoonal weather will usually have arrived, which is expected to last through to October. Peak rainfall levels are usually experienced between mid-September and mid-October. Outside of these months, the rain will often come in a short, heavy downpour, usually in the afternoon. Straight off the internet. But again it's a tropical climate and is unstable. It's never that bad that you cannot travel.
Michael ***********
Sam *********
@David *******
it’s a relevant question to many. Not sure why that is something that is hard to understand.
David ********
@Sam ********
it's not hard to understand. why would you say that also you didn't ask the question so why are you speaking for him.But l would like more expansion on the question. It's like how long is a piece of string you need to know why you want the string ?&$#@
Michael *******
South of Bangkok somewhere like Hua Hin very little rain to date . Yesterday rain came heavy for a couple of hours and today back to ...
Dava ***********
@Michael ******
but October is Hua Hin’s month for the heaviest rain.
ฉันเป็นทางของประชาชน *********
It’s bad enough. You should change month. Aug/Sept the worse
Juan **********
I'm here right now it's nothing honesty been here 5 days it's only rained 3 times less then a hour each time
Phil ******
Mark ********
I live in Phuket. All it has done this last month is rain rain rain. Severe flooding, landslips etc. Come in November things tend to settle down by then.
Julian *******
@Mark *******
I’m two hours north of Phuket and we have had far less rain than you have had. Last year we had rain continuously for 4 months.
Pete *******
Piotr *******
@Pete ******
This picture doesn’t show anything. Can rain 100 % at night and no any clouds daytime 😂

as it was several days in past few weeks.
Pete *******
@Piotr ******
correct, the app lies on a regular basis.
Terary **********
August was a couple of weeks ago.. I think you may have missed your plane.

If you asking the internet/facebook about weather a year from now... You deserve the answer you get.

I live near/on the Sea, in Pattaya. It rained maybe 3 or 4 times during the whole month of August (I have no idea what it will do next year). However, it's rained considerably more near by, and there have been very few sunny days.
Jodi ********
I got back from Thailand on the 20th of August and only experienced rain 3times in 20 days.
Robert *****
It’s September
Stuart *********
Thailand is a big country. Your question is sort of like asking if it rains in the US every day (not to scale, but you get the reference).

Different areas of Thailand usually have recurring weather patterns. For some areas August may be a relatively dry month. For others relatively wet.

Most times it doesn’t rain all the time, every day, but it can if there is a weather system happening somewhere in SE Asia.
John *******
I live here. Today is the first rain I’ve seen in over a week.

That’s only because I washed my car yesterday 😁
Colin *********
@John ******
the old wash the car trick eh? 🤣
Michael ********
No but depends where you are going in the country. But its a tropical country.
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