Will multiple short visits to Thailand affect my ability to enter again on a tourist visa?

July 30, 2023
a year ago
Carl *******
Hello can anyone help me I’m due to go to Thailand in October I will be applying for a tourist visa. But I want to go for a week in early august I was also there for 3 weeks in April will this affect me going in October?
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TLDR : Answer Summary
A user inquired about the implications of their travel history on their upcoming tourist visa application for Thailand, having previously visited in April and planning to visit again in August. Community responses reassured the user that their short stays would not negatively impact future entries, especially under a UK passport, which allows for a 30-day visa-free entry or the option to obtain a visa extension.
Chris ***********
Probably not but we dont know based on your question if you spent 20 months in 2020 to 2022 on covid extensions, if not nothing to worry about...
Kool *******
No, not at all. You are showing the same pattern as any other actual tourist visiting South East Asia, and Thailand.
Jeremy ********
I’m guessing you have a UK Passport so yes you can come on a 30 day visa free waiver stamp which if you want to you can extend for 30 days at your local immigration office…I’m not sure what type of visa you applied for but if it’s the 60 day SETV you fwb buy that at any Thai embassy/consulate
Carl *******
@Jeremy *******
yes Uk passport but i want to go for a week next week then I’ll be returning to the the Uk applying for a tourist visa then going back in October again
Jeremy ********
@Carl ******
no problems to do that…just don’t get arrested while in Thailand they will blacklist you
Andi ***********
No problem entering.
Carl *******
when I go again in October I’ll be getting a 2 months tourist visa then extending it and doing a border bounce so 6 months in total
Carl *******
Ok thank you
Andi ***********
@Carl ******
That's ok
Brandon ************
No, that's not a long time in Thailand which is mostly what they are concerned about. If you have already been to Thailand for 3-4 months is when you might have problems.
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