Do we need to re-register our TM30 in Samui after traveling to Bangkok?

September 28, 2020
4 years ago
Donna ********
A quick question about TM30 I hope you can help with. Currently living in Samui, we went to Bangkok last week to convert from amnesty to Thailand Elite, stayed 5 days and are now back in Samui. Do we need to re-register our TM30 here in Samui or are we ok with the original?
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TLDR : Answer Summary
The user inquires about the need to re-register their TM30 after traveling from Samui to Bangkok for a visa conversion. The responses indicate that if a hotel in Bangkok filed a TM30 for them, they would need to re-register upon returning to Samui. However, if they are returning to their primary residence with an existing TM30, it may not be necessary to re-file, though this can vary by immigration office. It is recommended to check with the local immigration office in Samui or seek information from expat groups.
Donna ********
OK, thanks for the advice :)
Barry ******
Ask Samui if you need to reregister.

Usually you don’t. Some offices don’t even care if you leave the country and come back (though that’s not happening anytime soon)
Tod *********
In THEORY (at least the way that the amnesty revisions were written) IF you are going back to your primary residence (meaning the address where you have a TM30 filed) you do not need to re-file a new TM30 for travel inside the country OR coming in from outside the country.

BUT with that being said

Some immigration offices are still requiring you DO file a TM30 for inside the country travel SO sadly the answer to your question is at the immigration office you use. I would call OR go ask them.


Post in a f/b group related to Samui, :)
Marcus ********
If a hotel in BKK re-registered you, you need to make a new one again to get your old address back. If not, not.
Marcus ********
Yep, true. Best to just register for the online thing and do it anyways, it is easy.
Marcus ********
Ok, I stay corrected :)
Tod *********
@Marcus *******
BUT as I posted below, you just never can tell with TM30's and different immigration offices :/ Your advice is sound advice :)
Tod *********
That is not actually correct since they revised the TM30 rules for travel :(
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