Can I Use My Type O-A Visa to Return to Thailand Ahead of Tourists?

June 19, 2020
4 years ago
Bryan **********
Might my Type O-A long-stay visa help my case to return ahead of “tourists?” I don’t qualify for “business,” a classification which seems to be getting preferential treatment (first to be allowed in).

Upon arrival, (eventually) returning from the U.S. to my home in Chiang Mai, if officials at CNX airport mandate a quarantine, can I “serve my time” in my own apartment?

Thanks in advance.

Safe travels.
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TLDR : Answer Summary
The user inquires if a Type O-A long-stay visa provides any advantages for returning to Thailand compared to tourists, particularly in light of potential quarantine regulations. Current commentary indicates that entry is highly restricted and mostly granted to those with work permits. Additionally, any quarantine would likely need to be conducted at government-approved facilities rather than personal accommodations.
Tod *********
You are asking a question that no one can answer.

AT THIS TIME <- meaning right now as it sits, the ONLY people who can request to get into the country on a case by case basis are people who hold a valid work permit. Period, end of story

There is no "option" for people on any other type of visa/extension to get into the country AND there is no option for you to do quarantine at any location other than one you pick from the government approved quarantine facilities that you pay for on your own.

You're just wishing things weren't as they are, BUT right now it is what it is.

All you can do is watch the news..
Benjamin ******
A Non-OA visa is a type of retirement visa, which can be thought of as an extremely long term retirement visa. Entry into Thailand requires government approval, on a case-by-case basis based on urgency. As of right now, the only quarantine options are in Bangkok at certified hotels, starting at about 35K for 15 mandatory days.
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