Can I take multiple leaves on a one-year ED visa for studying Thai?

May 15, 2023
a year ago
Chan ******
Anyone knows about this please? If I have a one-year ED visa for learning Thai language (real study), can I take leave 2 times for going back to my home country during the year? Heard that student can only take 1 time leave Thailand, and no more than 7 days. Otherwise, there may be problem when reentering Thailand and also may not get extend of the ED visa during the year. Anyone have the real experience of this please? As I may need to back home for 2 times,1 for Christmas (for 2 weeks) and 1 for Chinese New Year (for 2-3 weeks). Need to plan ahead.

Thank you.
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TLDR : Answer Summary
The discussion revolves around the eligibility of taking multiple leaves while on a one-year ED visa designated for learning the Thai language. The poster is concerned about going back home for Christmas and Chinese New Year, potentially requiring two absences totaling about five weeks. Responses emphasize consulting the school for specifics on permissible leaves, noting that leaving the country during active study might lead to complications, including questioning at the airport and potential issues with visa extension.
Frank **********
You are talking a total of 5 weeks. If classes are on break during that time I would think you would be okay. But if classes are being held you will most likely have a big problem.
Chan ******
@Frank *********
: school also have Christmas holiday, so that this one can solve, I can make short for trip during school holiday. But for Chinese New Year, school will not have holiday. Are other student no need to back home during the year?
Steve *******
Out of school term you be ok but not during any course-work. Check with your school.
Chan ******
@Steve ******
Sorry what means "out of school term"? The calendar show month by month, without term break.
Steve *******
@Chan *****
School break. I guess they have them during the year.
Brandon ************
Your visa is for studying Thai language in person. If you leave the country you are not studying in person. You need to ask your school what is permissible and what is not as they should know the regulations, but if you leave even once you will probably be pulled aside at the airport and asked many questions.
Chan ******
@Brandon ***********
Anyone have experience on this? Is that other students do not have need to leave the country during the year? I am puzzled.
Brandon ************
@Chan *****
multiple reports of people getting pulled aside at the airport after entering with any ED in their passport, even if it was from the past and already finished.

Everyone with an ED is getting extra scrutiny now.
Chan ******
@Brandon ***********
I see, thank you so much. Seems my mind set is wrong, I thought Thailand is like other language schools have term break can back home like in Japan.
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