Can I switch from an ED visa to the Elite Visa without leaving Thailand?

August 15, 2019
5 years ago
Jeremy ********
I am currently on an ED visa and was looking to switch to the elite visa program. Is it possible to switch midway through my current visa? I assume I would have to leave the country and come back again...?
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TLDR : Answer Summary
Yes, you can switch from an ED visa to the Elite Visa without leaving Thailand, provided that you have enough time left on your current visa to complete the processing of the Elite Visa. However, you will need to cancel your existing ED visa. It's advisable to contact Thai Elite directly in Bangkok or consult a lawyer for assistance, as the approval process can vary in duration.
Wayne ********
if i was you i would go see ThaiElite direct in bangkok or you can have a lawyer do as they earn a commission from ThaiElite. when i joined about 2 years ago mine and my wife was approval in less then 1 hrs and then it was just the payment to be made.. but i read many stories now takes some time... and you wont lose your money there are many people transferring to thai elite, u dont need funds on the account you dont need to visit the so-called immigration people and get stuffed around... for us its excellent its not forever as a lot cannot afford the fee for a short period .. its makes life easy.
Wayne ********
@Daniel *************
that’s ok i know but i understand if i want to renew nine when expires it’s done well in advance seems there must be a lot of people changing over to ThaiElite generally people take it as too young to get the retirement visa
Daniel ******
@Wayne *******
i’m letting you know what the current status is
Wayne ********
@Daniel *************
ok as i said when i did mine 2 yrs ago it took 1 hour for approval then was up to u to make payment x u had one month to do but we did that afternoon and received a confirmation number immediately i have seen others saying it takes months now
Daniel ******
@Wayne *******
I was told a month turn around time by a rep just a few days ago
Paula **************
I am also planning to get Elite visa. Seems to make life there so much easier. I can apply online. I do not need to return to US. And it may be best bet against ongoing tightening of immigration requirements.
Ivan ************
@Paula *************
if you are over 50 and can show 800,000 in the bank there really is no reason to waste your money on Elite. Get a retirement visa.

The people having so many problems are either under 50 and not eligible or don't have the money. There is no issue with retirement visas if you can show the money. And you don't need to return to the US to get one either.
Daniel ******
You don’t have to leave the country unless you don’t have enough time left on your current visa for the processing of the elite Visa. You will however have to cancel your ED Visa.
Michael ********
@Jeremy *******
if you get elite visa you get goverment assistance to cancel
Jeremy ********
Daniel ******
Jeremy Ashton Your school will give you a letter that you can take to immigration and then immigration will stamp a cancellation into your passport and then you can stay through the date of that original visa
Jeremy ********
@Daniel *************
thank you for the information. Stupid question... how does one cancel their visa?
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