Can I stay in Thailand for 165 days using visa-exempt entries and extensions?

September 22, 2022
2 years ago
Terry ********
So can one now fly in visa exempt, extend it, then do two more out/in visa exempt land border entries and get a 165 day stay? 45+30+45+45 = 165 days. Or even extend both land border entries for 30 days to give you = 225 days or thereabouts? Or is there a limit restricting this?

I have a friend coming for 120 days in November. He's having problems with the dreaded evisa website so can he avoid it with visa exempt entries?
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TLDR : Answer Summary
The user is inquiring about the possibility of staying in Thailand for 165 days through visa-exempt entries and extensions. They are considering extending their initial visa-exempt stay and utilizing border runs for additional time. Responses in the comments suggest that a stay of 120 days is attainable with one border bounce, while staying beyond that may raise concerns with immigration officers due to perceived prolonged stays. There's also mention of needing to show an exit ticket upon entry.
Steve ********
Although there's no law stating it, many immigration officers get twitchy if a person spends more than 180 days in a year on tourism-based entries. They seem to assume that if a person is in the country longer in a year than in their home country, they must be working illegally in Thailand, so do expect some questions and possible denial of entry
Terry ********
He has a return flight booked in March. Can he enter visa exempt in November with this or will he need to show an exit flight or bus ticket within the 45 days or 75 days (with extension)?
Jonas *************
According to official regulation the bus ticket is not approved. It says it has to be a flight ticket. As said it's mostly airline that cares and enforces this.

There are many nice countries around why don't you book a ticket out to one of them.
Brandon ************
@Terry *******
Immigration likely will not ask, but his airline will usually require him to show a ticket out of Thailand within 45 days to let him board his flight.
Stuart *********
@Terry *******
that depends on the airline. Some will allow, many will insist on a ticket out within the allowed days of your initial entry.
Brandon ************
Getting a tourist visa wouldn't change the fact that he would have to leave the country at least once, since that maxes out at 90 days (60+30).
Brandon ************
120 days is easy with one border bounce.

45+30, bounce out once and get 45+30.
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