Got the top point - if I leave Australia for 11 months and live in 3 different countries none of them for 6 months, and do this year after year - do I keep Australia tax residency?
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TLDR : Answer Summary
If you leave Australia for 11 months and live in multiple countries without meeting the 6-month residency requirement in any, you may still retain your Australian tax residency. Essential factors include maintaining a permanent home in Australia. However, understanding the implications of not being a tax resident, along with the requirements to prove your residency status, can be complex.
Very easy to retain Australian Tax Residency, which is why most Australians are laughing over the Thai tax fiasco. How much time you spend in other countries is not really relevant, just ensure you have access to a permanent home in Australia. If you want to get rid of Australian Tax Residency join the Australians group and talk with Michael Lucken
I don't have perm residency... who has an empty house in Australia? Millionaires? I'm more going off the requirement to have a perm home outside Australia to lose residency. It seems to need 2 years far as I understand
I can't see anywhere which mentions "empty house", but it seems you want to relinquish Australian Tax Residency, in which case talk to Michael. He's done this already
You abuse me in another thread and you need advice now? I've kept Australian Tax Residency even though I spend no more than about 50 days in the country each year. You're as dumb as the proverbial dogsh*t. Digital nomads - you play on your computers in cafes using free WiFi and yet your IQ is lower than a sloth
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Jim ********
Roman **********
Its a real pain to to meet their tests, ie have you taken yourself off the electoral role, closed bank accounts, sold all your assets in Aus etc
yeah this is what I'm so curious of - so say you have perm residency overseas and no house in Australia - but all that stuff still in use - Income coming in and taxed, healthcare, electoral role - will I lose residency or not?
No, they intentionally make it very hard to break and do not have a clear 180 day rule.
Even if you live in Thailand 365 days a year living in a Condo you bought, if you merely think Australia is still your home, you're still a tax resident. The battle and onus is proving your not.
I recommend keeping an Australian licence valid, an Aussi phone number and Australian bank accounts ope. On your tax return say you are still an Australian tax resident