Can I leave Thailand on a student visa for dental work and return without issues?

June 18, 2024
3 months ago
Richie ********
I recently got student visa couple of weeks ago was wondering if I will be able to get multi entry to leave 23rd of this month for 6 days then back again
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TLDR : Answer Summary
The individual is seeking advice about exiting Thailand on a newly acquired student visa for dental work for six days. Comments highlight the risks associated with leaving on an education visa given recent immigration scrutiny, especially if the individual is not attending classes. Concerns include the possibility of being denied re-entry, needing a re-entry permit, or facing consequences such as being sent back to their home country. Additionally, there's uncertainty regarding immigration's response to the individual's dental appointment.
Frank **********
Unfortunately Immigration will not care if you are traveling to get dental work as they expect you to be in class. Good luck.
Richie ********
Henrik *****
Postpone the dental appoinment.
Richie ********
what’s worse case scenario do you know will I have to start new education visa again or will I be completely denied entry, taking into account that it is medical reason (kind of) why I’m leaving to get veneers 🫤
Bob **********
@Richie *******
plenty of veneers here and you won’t miss classes I doubt you’ll get another ED visa
John **********
@Richie *******
in the worst case scenario you will simply be denied entry, if you don't have a flight out then you may be held in IDC until you can arrange one but perhaps more likely the airline you fly in on will be required to fly you back out (to Turkey)
Richie ********
If you get denied entry do you need to go back to your home or can you fly elsewhere
Brandon ************
@Richie *******
it's up to the immigration officer. They can either let you fly somewhere else or force you to return to the country of your passport. Whatever mood they are in at the time.
Graham ******
@Richie *******
Denied entry can mean return to point of origin so, in this case, Turkey
Richie ********
Jesus panic modes setting in now ill need to go speak to language school tomorrow
Will ************
@Richie *******
denied entry as they think you are not studying as classes are in progress and you are trying to live here as a tourist longtime taking the p..s out of the system
Angelo ***********
@Will ***********
At the moment in my university: classes are not in progress.
Will ************
You might get spot checked by immigration if you are supposed to be in school on them days.
Bob **********
You may have a problem re entering even with a document from your school as the visa is new
Brandon ************
Is your visa for studying at a university, or is it for studying at an informal school like a language school?

You can apply for a re-entry permit before leaving, but if you are studying at an informal institution, you should not leave. Immigration is already highly suspect of anyone with an education visa in their passport, and there are a lot of recent stories of people trying to leave and return with an ED visa and being denied entry.

Just a couple of months ago someone left with a letter from their school stating they had permission to leave and why they needed to leave, and when they returned the immigration officer even called their school and spoke to the administrator. They were still denied entry.

An education visa is issued because you stated you needed to be in Thailand to study, and you needed to attend a class in person, and therefore needed a visa to do this. By leaving the country you are not studying and you are not attending class. If you leave you are taking a big risk.
Richie ********
@Brandon ***********
yeah it’s language school I completely forgot I had this trip coming up it’s for dental work in Istanbul I booked and paid deposit for a long time ago
Frank ******
@Richie *******
get your dental done in Thailand no risk to your visa and excellent dental
Brandon ************
@Richie *******
Get a letter from your school stating that you have permission to leave and that it will not interfere with your studies. Have them include contact information for the school and the administrator. That's the best you can do.
Richie ********
@Brandon ***********
yeah ill do that thanks for advice
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