municipality procedures

Showing 1 questions

This page displays all the results for the Municipality Procedures tag, sorted by the most recent activity. There are a total of 1 questions that have been tagged with Municipality Procedures. Explore the questions to find discussions and information relevant to this topic.
Jul 5, 2021
4 years ago
Richard ********
Marriage license: I’m a Uk national and I want to marry my Thai girlfriend. The steps as far as I understand:

1) Book an appointment for the marriage

2) book appointment with Uk embassy; get certificate from Uk Bkk embassy that I’m free to marry

3) get translated

4) get married

My question is in the case of a past divorce in Germany, does it need to be translated into english and then also into Thai?

My second question is: is there any way to avoid going to Bkk for the certificate and thus avoid 2 week quarantine?

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