What should my friend put as her length of stay on the METV application for Thailand, considering the exit requirements?

July 4, 2019
5 years ago
Molly *********
I have a friend applying for a METV in Canada (Ottowa). METV will allow her 6 months in Thailand (from first entry date), but her understanding is she will have to leave the country every 60 days (multiple entry). On her application form for METV should she put her length of stay to be less than 60 days and then plan her travel accordingly?
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TLDR : Answer Summary
A friend applying for a Thai METV from Canada needs clarification on how to fill out her application regarding her intended length of stay, given that she will need to exit Thailand every 60 days. Comments suggest that while the visa allows for a 6-month stay, technically, the duration starts from the visa's stamp date, not the date of entry into Thailand. Therefore, it is advisable for her to indicate a shorter duration and plan her travels to comply with exit rules, with some suggesting she could extend her stay for an additional 30 days upon application at the immigration office.
Tod *********
and just before we close the commenting make sure you did realize that the 6 months the visa is valid for starts running down the second they stamp it into your passport NOT from the time you enter thailand. Get it as close to when you're coming here as you can.
Jules ********
Email the consulate/embassy and ask them. I got a METV in the uk (I know it’s not Canada) Ours said as long as you have a flight booked out of Thailand within 8 months. It didn’t say anything about needing to show flight every 60 days. We’ve had 2 METV’s now with no problems. Our consulate were very quick to respond to emails. I think I even asked them that question.
Molly *********
@Jules *******
thank you. That answers my question. I will tell her to do that.
Kevin **********
I am here on a 6 month metv now. I got it in Toronto at the consulate. Once you enter Thailand they stamp your passport for 60 days. Insread of the normal 30. You can extend 30 more days by going to immigration before the end of the 60 days. It will cost 1900 baht.
Kevin **********
I applied in May, a few days before I left. I don't remember writing anything about how long I will be staying. But I do plan o leaving ervy 60 days and returning and getting another 60 days
Molly *********
Do you remember when you applied if you wrote on your application that you would be in Thailand for more or less than 60 days?
Jeremy ********
FYI you start to lose days the moment its put in your passport so it makes sense to get the visa as close to your departure date from your home country to Thailand as possible
Scott **********
I have applied for several METV at the consulate in Vancouver. Like your friend I was looking for a fourish month stay. I do not specifically recall the application asking a return date but it likely did and if so I would have entered my actual return date. I have found the staff at the local consulate to be pretty chill. I do not think your friend will have a problem.
Molly *********
@Jeremy *******
she has a roundtrip ticket leaving back to Canada after 4 months, so she will include that in her application. I just don't know if she can put on her application that she will leave after 4 months, even if METV allows her 6 months in country, IF she is required to leave every 60 days during that period?
Jeremy ********
@Molly ********
also most airlines will not let you fly with only a one way ticket you need a RT ticket, they get fined if you cant make it through immigration and need to return to your home country...when I did my 6 month METV i booked a cheap fare on Air Asia at the 60 day mark for KL, i think it cost me $75 RT....
Molly *********
Tourist Visa Instructions for Canadian Passport Holders

- 1 visa application filled out and signed

- 1 passport size photo (Canadian passport size) stamped in the back with the date (not less than 6 months)

- Original passport (no copies) with 6 months validity for single entry and 18 months validity for multiple entries

- visa fee: $50- single entry, $250- multiple entries. - money order only in Canadian funds payable to “Royal Thai Embassy”

- A copy of airline ticket or travel itinerary showing entry date into Thailand

- A copy of your first hotel booking must be included for a multiple entry visa

- The Embassy requires 2-3 business days to process the visa, with the mailing time included between 5-7 business days

- If you would like the embassy to return your passport to you by mail a prepaid express post envelop must be included for the return of the passport. If you are the provinces of Ontario or Quebec it must be “regional”; if you reside in another province your envelope must be “national”
Molly *********
Jeremy Miller okay thank you. This embassy does not require her to show a travel ticket out. But it does require you to state on application how many days you plan to stay, so that is why it is confusing. This is what the Embassy in Ottowa sent her:
Jeremy ********
When she does the paperwork for the METV they want to see a ticket out of the Thailand...some Embassies/Consulates want to see one for the 6 month mark some are OK with just one that shows you are departing within the 6 month METV period...she should inquire through the Embassy/Consulate to see what they require
Molly *********
Interesting. Ok. So she should put on her application that she is staying in Thailand less than 60 days ?
Jeremy ********
Actually you can get 9 months out of the visa if you do an Out/In prior to it expiring.....yes every 60 days or 90 days [if she does a 30 day extension for 1,900THB at the immigration office] she will need to do an Out/In
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